shampoo/conditioner questions


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so, i bought some nizoral ad shampoo for my flakes. will it get rid of them? i've heard so, but i just wanted to ask you all, and ask how long it will take. Also, what kind of conditioner should I be looking for? Preferably one that can be easily obtained (Walmart, Walgreens etc.)

thanks guys.



says it all on the bottle, 2-4 weeks

I bought Nizoral, read the stuff that came with it.

3 or four weeks later flakes gone, redness gone, itchiness gone.

tried T/Gel also, make my head go really red/lumpy, stopped using it, tried again a couple of months later, same problem, left it for a few months again and it causes no problems now, don't ask me why, maybe I built up a tolerence to one of the ingredients?

good luck


I used it every two or three days, worked it into a lather (and myself) and left it on for around 10-15 minutes, this dries a lot of peoples hair out but wasn't too bad on mine, I used this time to ponder on mans ultimate destination in his age old journey through culture/society and conciousness, what his ultimate goal should be and what effective solutions evolution will bring to this seemingly endless search, rinse with warm water, stick conditioner on (I use any old sh*t when it comes to conditioner), rinsey rinsey, get out of bath/shower dry off with big beach towel with a picture of London at night on.


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tynanW said:
I used it every two or three days, worked it into a lather (and myself) and left it on for around 10-15 minutes, this dries a lot of peoples hair out but wasn't too bad on mine, I used this time to ponder on mans ultimate destination in his age old journey through culture/society and conciousness, what his ultimate goal should be and what effective solutions evolution will bring to this seemingly endless search, rinse with warm water, stick conditioner on (I use any old sh*t when it comes to conditioner), rinsey rinsey, get out of bath/shower dry off with big beach towel with a picture of London at night on.


Me jerk off in shower for 10-15 minutes every 3 days.


The Gardener

Senior Member
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Yeah. Sometimes it can take that long on those occasions when you are indecisive about which girl you want to envision while doing it.


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The Gardener said:
Yeah. Sometimes it can take that long on those occasions when you are indecisive about which girl you want to envision while doing it.

point well taken.


Experienced Member
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you only invision one girl?

i have a whole slideshow set up...just one after the other...doing mean things to each other in every slide.