Shampoo & Hairloss & higiene


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I know I will probably get completely battered for raising this issue, but nevertheless, I think it could be an interesting topic of discussion.

Last week I heard a friend of mine commenting the curious fact that most "long term" homeless people did not seem to have any hairloss problems whatsoever, and that surely there had to be a connection between hairloss and the higiene products used by people who could afford them.

When I was younger, my mother was obsessively against artificial higiene products and instated the habit of washing my hair with a little soap and water, and so my hair was strong, think and shinny until I was 24 and started to use regular shampoo. Almost imediatly after starting shampoo my hair started to thin and eventually fall.



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Don't bathe. Let us know how you do with the ladies.

Oh, male pattern baldness is an auto-immune response btw