shampoos and other hair suppliments??


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I'm heading out tomorrow to buy some products (ie shampoo, vitamins) to help in my quest to battle hairloss. Any suggestions?? someone who's opinion I trust told me to "throw Vit B6, Zinc, Azelaic Acid and Green Tea Extract into your shampoo. Add some vodka for penetration. STAY AWAY FROM SLS shampoos. Lauryl (very harsh) and Laureth." I'm definately thinking about that. I've been on finasteride for 9 months now and have only noticed a steady decline in my hairs health. I was hoping it would do the trick, but I now know I have to take this a lot more serious. Any opinions on what I should start using??


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Just to follow up.....I went out today and grabbed a bunch of vitamins and a new shampoo. I got a shampoo called Avalon Organics volumizing shampoo along with it's matching conditioner, which is enriched with wheat protein and has rosemary, vitamin E, panthenol and arginine in it. I came home and poured half of the shampoo bottle into a new bottle and added garlic oil, zinc, green tea extract and viamin B6. Then I added a bit of vodka cause I was told that it would help with absorption. I shook the bottle up and created my new shampoo blend. I went for a workout, came home and decided to give it a shot. I've tried 3 other thickening shampoos with absolutely no success. Usually I get out of the shower and my hair looks depressingly thin, whispy and sparse. After today's shower I was expecting the same, but I came out and noticed a new volume to my hair, it felt and looked great. I know it might just be psychological, but after agonizing at the look of my hair after a shower for months today was a nice surprise. I know it would be too early for any of the vitamins to do any work, but in any regard the shampoo and conditioner are amazing and they smell great. Just thought I would let you guys know.

On a side note, I also purchased MSM, flax seed oil, and a couple other suppliments which I cant think of to aide my quest. This is all on top of finasteride, which I have been taking with no success for 9 months. I'll keep you posted