? - shampoos in regimen


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guys i had question regarding shampoo regimens. currently i'm using nizoral 1% three times a week and T-gel on the off days and a regular shampoo once a week. i was wondering would it be better to use T-Sal instead of T-gel or should i incorporate the T-Sal into my existing regimen and if so how would i do this. many thanks as always



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Im surprised your hair dont get really oily using all that in a week? :freaked:


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^ why would that make his scalp/hair oily?


Cassin said:
Your not using topicals, there is no point in using T/SAL.

Cassin I believe this fellow is using topical Ketoconazole

y said:
guys i had question regarding shampoo regimens. currently i'm using nizoral 1% three times a week and T-gel on the off days and a regular shampoo once a week. i was wondering would it be better to use T-Sal instead of T-gel or should i incorporate the T-Sal into my existing regimen and if so how would i do this. many thanks as always


If you have no itch, I would go for the T/Sal % Nizoral Combo.

The T/Sal will help in the absorprtion of the Ketoconazole in Nizoral.

Quote Time:........

Quote from Dr Lee website: Ketoconazole has been proven to decrease the quantities of DHT in the scalp by helping to inhibit its synthesis from sterols.  Salicylic acid has a keratolytic and a slight antiseptic action when applied topically to the skin.  By removing some of the dead epidermal layers of the stratum corneum, there is an enhanced action by the ketoconazole in suppressing the production of DHT in the scalp.

and aslo.....

quote from Nutrogenas own website: Ketoconazole has rapidly become the treatment of choice for scalp conditions such as Dandruff and Seborrheic Dermatitis , among many Dermatologists and other medical professionals. However, while patients with Hyperkeratotic scalp conditions are often encouraged to wash their hair daily, Ketaconzole is indicated for use only twice a week.

T/Sal Maximum Strength Shampoo contains 3% Salicylic Acid, primes the scalp for effective keratolitic therapy. As a first line treatment it reduces crusty scalp build – up with maximum Keratolitic Activity. So it is an ideal pretreatment for Ketoconazole and Co - therapy (Alternative days) with Tar Shampoos. Because it is fragrance free, colorant free and preservatives –free Shampoo, patients with sensitive scalps can drive the therapeutic benefits of Salicylic Acid without risk of irritation due to undesirable additives.

T/Sal Maximum Strength Shampoo is cosmetically elegant, with the conditioning shampoo base, which overcome the dryness and irritation that could accompany higher concentrations of Salicylic Acid. The result is effective therapy without having to sacrifice soft, manageable hair.

How to Use: 

Massage into wet scalp, leave on several minutes, rinse thoroughly and repeat.


Mickey said:
Im surprised your hair dont get really oily using all that in a week? :freaked:

Yes, I used to subscribe to the idea that overwashing could make your hair oily as your scalp produces more sebum to compensate for the stuff washed off.

But I was wrong!

here is an explanation from Bryan

Ty, that's known as the "feedback theory", and was laid to rest more than 45 years ago by the famous Albert M. Kligman, MD, PhD. He and his colleagues proved that sebum is produced continuously by the sebaceous glands, without regard to oil or sebum sitting on the surface of the skin/scalp.



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tynanW said:
Cassin I believe this fellow is using topical Ketoconazole

Ty were never going to agree on this sort of topic. :)


Try to keep your regimen as simple as possible, T/SAL is most effective when used with topicals such as Minoxidil, spironolactone, Copper-Peptides, etc. Nizoral is probably not helpful enough to even bother using T/SAL alone.

In fact I personally suggest you drop the T/GEL and just stick with everything else. Use a regular shampoo on your off days.

Anyway., Ty and I have two schools of thought, do whaterver you feel is best for you. Most importantly, pick whatever you can keep up with in the long term.


Cassin said:
tynanW said:
Cassin I believe this fellow is using topical Ketoconazole

Ty were never going to agree on this sort of topic. :)

One day, Cassin, you will weaken, you will crack, you will eventually relinquish your powers and I will become the Grand OverLoad of all Know Shampoos

I for one am with the good Doctor Lee and the folk at Nutrogena on this one, but everyone's scalp is different.


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tynanW is Gay Dr. Pickart's secret lover


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IwantMyhair said:
tynanW is Gay Dr. Pickart's secret lover

Good to see you're up to 4 x weekly on the H & S. Would you like to join my H & S cult? We too pray to the god Moloch.


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tynanW: Nothing wrong :D


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Food !


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Japanese pussy!