Shampoos With A Multitude Of Anti-hairloss Ingredients


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There are a lot of these hairloss shampoos that contain tons of ingredients that have been shown to some degree or another to help hairloss. Stuff like valproic acid, caffeine, copper peptides, zinc pyrithione and other "minor" things all bunched together in one shampoo.

I figure something like that might be worth using for some kind of compounded effect of all those things, so I'm wondering what are the best such shampoos you guys have found.

The thing with shampoos is that there are some ingredients that you should avoid and it can be hard to find one that doesn't contain at least one of them.

Cocamide DEA and MEA

Cocamide DEA is regarded as a carcinogen by the International Agency for Research on Cancer and the California Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment added cocamide DEA to the California Proposition 65 (1986) list of chemicals known to cause cancer.[5]

Because of this, sometimes cocamide MEA is used in its place, but cocamide MEA, because of the nature of the manufacturing process, contains traces of DEA.

Essential oils

Besides the evidence suggesting rosemary oil and peppermint oil have a beneficial effect on hair loss being, as far as I know, bunk, there is indication that essential oils have endocrine-disrupting properties and there are case reports of pre-pubescent boys developing gyno apparently due to lavender oil use.