shaved head proplem, please advice


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Hello guys,

I will shave my head pretty soon as it seems there is no chance for me to have sufficient amount of hair back.

The problem is that even if I shave my head with macht 3, the horrible MPH pattern is still pretty visible.

I have got good shape of head to have shaved head but this visible pattern makes me looking very bad and very older. Is there any possibility to hide this? (some colours, pouders???)

Please help me, any comment, any experience will be appreciated!!! ( please do not suggest to tatoo my head as I heard that this is quite dangerous for all your body)

Thank you.



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1) Shave every other day

2) Do some SERIOUS tanning. The more brown your skin is, the more invisible the pattern will be. This is why it's almost impossible to tell that Michael Jordan is bald.

The Rock

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ya thats a really good point, and why in general it is more acceptable and fashionable for a black man to shave his head. If a white person shaves their head its like they are a neo-nazi and a black guy is sexy.....or maybe thats what black people want us to think lol......Also i mean you COULD wax it, but that means ur chances if u ever ever wanted transplants u would be setting urself back.....and plus its gotta hurt with all those hairs, i get my eyebrows done and thats a tad i can't imagaine all that hair at once


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Thank you very much guys. These are good advices for me!!



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I'm sure that Buffboy was joking but if you shave your head too often there's the chance of getting in-grown hairs. Believe me, you don't want those!!! I got too many of those after I started shaving my legs as per my sports image.



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Greg1: I had been shaving my head with mach 3 every day for 3years before I started big 3, unfortunately with no effect:)

viperfish: Yes, that really might be a good solution.

I would tatoo my head but one of my friends told me that tatooing your head might have bad effect for all your body as you may damage the important reflexion points on your head, if you know what I mean. Is it really so dangerous??

The other problem is that I think I would lose my job with tatooed head as my boss would hate it. I work in business company.



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Would you really want to tatoo your head even if it is safe? That's such a drastic thing to do. Especially since you said you look good with your head shaved.

I would never tatoo my head no matter how bad the shadow looked.


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If you tattoo your leg, you can wear pants to cover it up.

If you tattoo your head... well I guess you could wear a mask. :lol:

You might like it now, but then again, you might regret it later. And I bet many employers wouldn't be too happy about it either.


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I do not want to tatoo my face but just places where the hair used to be in order to cover the visible male pattern baldness pattern:))



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ShatnersRug said:
Some say shaving a mostly-bald head is acceptance. I say it's denial. Who is right? None can say.

It's doing what might be the best option for a bad situation.


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Can't say I didn't have had the same thought, but come on... That's ridicolous. I'm sure it's detectable up close. And if you don't shave just one day, it wil be TOTALLY detectable, due to the hairs growing and thus making the tatoo visible because of the difference in level.


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Greg1 said:
I'm sure that Buffboy was joking but if you shave your head too often there's the chance of getting in-grown hairs. Believe me, you don't want those!!! I got too many of those after I started shaving my legs as per my sports image.


What was I joking about? I was deadly serious. And cut the crap about those in-grown hairs. I have shaved my head every day for almost three years - no problems.