Shaved My Head, And Now Noticing The Fue Scars


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My girlfriend help me buzz and then shave my head. My first concern was whether there will be scars. She does not know about my hair transplant from 2010. Since I cannot see the back of my head I ask her whether there's anything weird there and she said no (and she is a straight shooter). Then I asked are there any why dots and she said no and then upon closer inspection in the light she says yes but then she said these are only spaces between hairs.

I know what FUE scars look like -- I have them. Since I only had 700 follicles extracted not too many scars back there especially since my girlfriend did not even notice so I doubt a lot of people will. But of course I am self-conscious about it now. When I was on the knife it's was the assistant of the doctor that did this extractions and that pissed me off that day. They could have clearly done a better job because I can see some areas where they harvested much more than others. I have some lines. I can upload a picture later tomorrow also.

But then again I look at the top of my head which was neither a donor nor recipient (all went into the crown) I also have white dots there but these are not scars just unpopulated area. Unlike the back of my head though they are scattered around so they are not very noticeable.

If I were to keep the shaved look I need to do something about these cars. Is there a consensus about what to do? I heard SMP can be a danger for health, does that include permanent SMP? Since it does not absorb apparently. I heard of Fraxel for scarring but I'm not sure what the experience is with that. Finally there is the option of implanting neck hair back there, how would that look?

I'm still not able to see the recipient area very well, the crown that is. I noticed some redness in a couple of lumps but not sure I need to ask my girlfriend to take pictures I can also upload that.

All in all there goes my experience I'm glad I shaved my head before doing any more operations. I cannot afford having 2000 dots on the back of my head.