Shaving off all my hair, Diet for better looking hair?


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Alright my hair look's horrible i've tried every single shampoo,conditioner and it still look's like sh*t only the crown not the sides. So i was wondering if i shaved it all of would it grow in healthier? Are there certin foods that make ur hair come in nicer as far as looking?

Any good pills or mutli vitamins? I'm starting my regimen again Rogain 3 times a day and propecia once a day give me all tips and things to add in thx alot.


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Rogaine 3 times a day? Looks like you're going to kill that skin...


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No, not really. Shaving it down might reduce how wild it looks or how frizzy it is, though.

Keep Rogaine to twice a day and add Nizoral 2% to the regimen.


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This may help, think you ought to look into vitamins and herbs for healthy looking hair,

Vitamins and minerals play a vital role in the function of the body, the use of certain vitamins can most certainly play a major part in helping to maintain a healthy head of hair.

The human body is an amazingly complex and wonderful machine, but it cannot function without a supply of food. The nutrients in food are needed for energy, movement, heat, growth, repair, hair growth and sometimes reproduction. The body needs to be able to digest the foods it takes in so that it can be used in various ways.

There are six basic types of nutrients and two basic non-nutrients found in food. The six nutrients are carbohydrate, fat, protein, vitamins, minerals, trace elements; the two non-nutrients are fibre and water. Generally speaking most foods contain several nutrients, in varying amounts. Carrots, for instance, contain a little protein, a trace of fat, some carbohydrate, a good deal of water, a little sugar, fibre, and a selection of vitamins and minerals such as potassium, sodium, calcium, iron, zinc, vitamins B6, C and E, folic acid, biotin and pantothenic acid, etc. We need a combination of all the above nutrients to maintain a normal and healthy body.

Take a close look at some of the most popular herbal remedies for hair loss.

Para-Aminobenzoic Acid

(PABA) as this vitamin is commonly known is one of the lesser known members of the B complex family, has been shown to be an anti-grey hair vitamin. In tests in black animals that were feed with a diet deficient of PABA, they developed grey hair, when the animals were reintroduced to the vitamin, normal hair colour was restored
Research on humans with grey hair being given 200mg of PABA after each meal produced results that showed that a study of the hair afterwards resulted in a seventy per cent result of the hair returning to its original colour. Other research claims that PABA combined with folic acid also helps restore hair to its original colour.
Deficiency of PABA, Biotin, Folic Acid and Pantothenic Acid appears to affect hair colour. Hair colour can normally be restored with a diet rich in the B vitamins and in the few cases where colour is not restored the hair will improve in quality and strength of growth.
PABA and the B vitamins are found in foods such as liver, kidney, whole grain and yeast. The richest source being liver.


Inositol is also a member of the B vitamin group. It is a compound occurring in the brain, muscles, liver, kidney and eyes.
In laboratory animals, a diet lacking Inositol produced baldness, but when the vitamin was added to the food of these animals, the hair grew back again. It was also observed that male animals lost hair twice as fast as female animals. The result of this experiment would suggest that males require a higher Inositol intake than females. An Inositol deficient diet can also cause eczema, a form of skin irritation.
One doctor in a series of experiments prescribed Inositol together with other sources of B vitamins to all his balding patients. In almost all case's hair loss was arrested, in some case's hair growth was noticeable in as little as one month. In one case hair recovery was total and not one bald spot remained.
Inositol, also appears to reduce the amount of cholesterol in the blood.


Biotin often called vitamin H, is yet another B complex component. Biotin is a proven hair growth vitamin and a preventative to excessive hair loss. It appears to metabolise fatty acids. Fatty acids are a valuable growth factor in numerous processes in the body including the hair. Biotin is also seen as an aid in preventing hair turning grey.
Biotin is found in egg yolks. Raw egg whites actually hinder effectiveness, but when the albumen (egg white) is cooked, the culprit - a substance called avidin is destroyed by heat. Biotin is also present in liver, milk, yeast and kidney.
Balding men might find that a Biotin supplement may keep their hair longer.


In laboratory tests animals fed with a zinc supplement showed signs of more hair growth, as opposed to loss of hair in animals that were deprived of zinc in their feed. It was discovered that there was a change in the hair protein structure when zinc was deficient in the diet.
Severe zinc deficiency in humans has been shown to produce baldness and scalp problems that were reversed when zinc was returned to the diet.

Zinc has also been shown to stop hair turning grey. One doctor taking zinc for a year reversed the grey hairs which returned to their original colour.
Zinc can be depleted by high stress levels. For a good source of zinc, wheat germ is the best, other sources are brewer's yeast, pumpkin seeds, oysters and mussels, shrimps and egg yolks.
One delightful effect of zinc is that it has long been regarded as an aphrodisiac, and as such it can be very beneficial for your sex life, which is not a bad side effect to have.


Protein is a basic ingredient in many hair shampoos and conditioners and is also the major ingredient of hair itself, which is at least ninety per cent protein. Whilst this should not necessarily be the main ingredient in your diet, its importance should not be ignored.

In controlled tests volunteers, supplementing their diets with protein in the form of 14g of gelatine daily, found it increased the thickness of individual hair strands by as much as 45 per cent in only two months.
Diet can influence both hair growth and quality and gelatine has exhibited one of the highest specific dynamic effects of any food or supplement.
Given that a strong hair is a healthy hair, the study noted that the gelatine induced increases in the diet constituted an improvement in the mechanical properties of the hair, including strength. When the volunteers stopped eating the gelatine, their hair returned to its original diameter within six months.

Vitamin E

A Canadian physician who started going grey was able to reverse the process by taking 800iu of vitamin E in capsule form daily. At the age of 68 after some 15 years of taking vitamin E he still has a healthy head of thick black hair, and is the envy of men half his age.
Vitamin E has also been shown to retard the ageing process. It has been suggested that grey hair is a symptom of body degeneration so a supplement of vitamin E can only be beneficial whether you have grey hair or not.

The best natural sources of vitamin E are wheat germ, Soya beans, broccoli, brussel sprouts, spinach and eggs.


Choline is a B vitamin like nutrient that's useful in counter acting the effects of stress. Recently scientists in America were able to induce toxic levels of stress in baby animals by limiting the amount of choline in their diets.

Choline supplements prescribed to balding patients produced significant results to prove choline's worth in hair loss. Lecithin is a very good source of choline, at it also supplies inositol, a B complex vitamin with a particular affinity with choline, these two vitamins work together well.
Foods rich in choline are egg yolks, yeast, liver and wheat germ.

Vitamin A

A deficiency of Vitamin A will cause dry hair and rough skin. Vitamin A is stored in the liver and if large doses (50,000 - 100,000 iu daily) are taken for a prolonged period the liver cannot store the A vitamin, and it can build up in the body to give unpleasant side effects which include nausea, headaches, hair loss, drowsiness and weight loss.
The R.D.A. for vitamin A is 2,500 iu.

Pantothenic Acid

Pantothenic Acid also known as Calcium Pantothenate is considered to be important to the health of the skin and scalp. Pantothenic acid is necessary for the well being of every body cell and neither carbohydrate nor fat can be changed into energy without it.
This nutrient is also important for the functioning of the adrenal glands that produce much of the male sex hormones.
Volunteers who were feed on a diet deficient of pantothenic acid showed increased vulnerability to infection and adrenal levels dropped, blood pressure also dropped and constipation developed.
Animals lacking this nutrient in their diet became grey haired and the follicles started to waste away.
This supplement is most often found in B complex formulas.
This nutrient is obtained from liver, kidney, egg yolks, whole grains, milk and potatoes.

Cider Vinegar

Hair loss can sometimes be a result of poor metabolism. Many case histories show that as a result of a few teaspoonfuls of cider vinegar each day for several months, hair loss has stopped and the remaining hair has grown healthier and thicker. One reason for thinning hair is a deficiency of minerals salts, so it is easy to understand why mineral-rich cider vinegar can help.
Cider vinegar will not work the same way for everyone. A few people may be allergic to it and others may not be affected at all. But for many people, cider vinegar opens up a wonderful new chapter in life.
Cider vinegar may be taken in a glass of water first thing in the morning or just before meals. One of the side effects can be weight loss which is an added bonus.

Seven Wonders "Hair Food" Cocktail

The following drink contains Protein, Choline, Inositol, Pantothenic Acid, Biotin, Vitamin E and Zinc: The seven ingredients' nutritionists most often recommend for growing healthy hair.
8 Fl oz Plain Yoghurt
8 Fl oz Orange Juice
3 Tablespoons Wheat Germ
3 Tablespoons Brewers Yeast
1 Tablespoon Lecithin Crystals
1 Teaspoon Vitamin C Crystals
1 Raw Egg Yolk
1 Tablespoon Unflavored Gelatine Powder
Honey to Taste (optional)
Combine all the ingredients and blend until smooth. If a blender is not available put all the ingredients into a jar with a lid and shake vigorously.
This tonic makes a quick and nutritious breakfast and will work wonders for your hair.

This cocktail should help just about everyone, and you will certainly notice a difference to your hair once you try


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hey petchsky, or anyone else, have you actually tried that drink? and does it have a significant impact on your hair health? just wondering, and also i heard that ingestion of raw eggs are one of the worst things for ones hair? THanks for the help


Senior Member
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I have never had that exact drink, but I used to work in a health food store and I have had many of those supplements, I can assure you that "shake" will taste quite awful. :x

You will need a lot of "honey for taste!"

I dunno about helping too much for hair growth, it certainly won't hurt it, but it is healthy for the body without a doubt.

Were it me taking it for hair, I think I would just take a B-Complex with PABA . Just make sure you don't have too much Folic Acid in it if your taking a multi. If you are taking a multi with a lot of Folic Acid try, take the multi and B Complex at different times. Folic is good for you but I have read that you want to try to avoid too much at one time. Thats probably being a bit on the "Over careful side" but oh well.

All in all, such a Regimen as this shake and a steady B-Complex will for sure help keep away the grey hairs.

I have taken a nice Multi and Biotin for over a year now and I have not had another grey hair that I have noticed, and I have looked :) . My dad went bald and grey very early. Last summer I noticed a few Grey ones popping up on the right side of my head, and then a couple sprouting on the left as well but not near as many.

Since this panic post of mine over a year ago and following everyones advice, I haven't popped a single grey hair that I can tell. ... 06&start=0


Established Member
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Shave it bald. I bic'd mine today and it totally conceals the rear thinning and valley of death i have down the top middle of my scalp. I will be starting some light tanning to help color the scalp along with the steady treatment of propecia + minoxidil + nizoral for the regime. From time to time I will let it grow back to see how my treatment is going. By doing this i'm focusing strictly on the base of the follicle.

good luck.



Experienced Member
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Yes, this is very smart. That way your hair won't "drink up" the topicals. It also takes your mind off of shedding because you don't see any hairs falling out. I'm allowed to wear hats to work, so I'm considering this as well.


Established Member
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Also the 2 X 1 ml dose of minoxidil applies so graciously over the scalp you'd swear it said 10ml's on the dropper..

The coverage is so vast you can easily spread 1 ml across the entire plateau.