shed 6 months on propecia 19 y/o


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Hey guys!

Im a 19 years old guy who started getting bald liek his old man(won the genetic lottery of course)
ive started taking half a pill of propecia each day(0.5mg i think) and had a massive shed at the start that stopped after a couple of weeks and the hair grew much better and stronger...
Unfortunately, the 6 months brought with him a massive shed.
We are talking about 10 strands of hair when i move my hand through my head..
im taking the drug consistently and im not under a heavy stress or somthing like that.
besides the shedding,Ive noticed 1 side of my temples started to be less hairy and i could see the scalp more than before..
propecia saved my hair and my mental happiness for half a year, and im afraid im starting to see a diffuse thining or somthing like that..
can anyone help me and explain the situation?
am i doomed to lose my hair and the treatment is no longer working?


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You are likely just going through another shed. If it was working for you then it definitely has not lost its effectiveness.

Just stick with your treatment and you should be alright. Are you using minoxidil or nizoral?


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You are likely just going through another shed. If it was working for you then it definitely has not lost its effectiveness.

Just stick with your treatment and you should be alright. Are you using minoxidil or nizoral?

I hope you are right!

Oh and regarding to your question- im not using minoxidil or nizoral since im waiting to the propecia to stop working and then add nizoral and minoxidil as the "last resort".
. also, because im trying to limit my hair loss treatment to taking pills and moving on with my day... too much of dealing with the hair loss thing has done alot to my mind..


Established Member
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Hey guys!

Im a 19 years old guy who started getting bald liek his old man(won the genetic lottery of course)
ive started taking half a pill of propecia each day(0.5mg i think) and had a massive shed at the start that stopped after a couple of weeks and the hair grew much better and stronger...
Unfortunately, the 6 months brought with him a massive shed.
We are talking about 10 strands of hair when i move my hand through my head..
im taking the drug consistently and im not under a heavy stress or somthing like that.
besides the shedding,Ive noticed 1 side of my temples started to be less hairy and i could see the scalp more than before..
propecia saved my hair and my mental happiness for half a year, and im afraid im starting to see a diffuse thining or somthing like that..
can anyone help me and explain the situation?
am i doomed to lose my hair and the treatment is no longer working?

Wow, my story is almost exactly like yours. I started 6 months ago as well, but my first shed didn't happen until september and lasted until october, so I haven't really regrown any hair, and for the past month I've been going through a second shed as well. Just keep taking propecia, things will get much better.