Shed at 5months! please help


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i've been on 1/4 proscar daily for 5months now (and just started rogaine last week)

For the 0-2months of treatment, i noticed no improvement
for 2-4months i noticed a slowing of hair loss
but from the four and a half month mark on, i have noticed heaps more hair loss, like worse than before i started the treatment.

I have read all the forums and stuff and although they all talk about sheds being a good sign, they all talk about them happeneing on commencement of the treatment. i mean i thought i was seeing good signs, and now this. I think i have lost a lot of hair compared to the begining of the treatment.

Does anyone know if a 4month-5month from begining treatment shed is normal? or good? or bad? Has anyone had a similiar case and if so, what happened further on?

just a little worried at the moment! Please let me know what you know!




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I have been on finasteride for about 8 months and i shed at month 3 month 5 and month 8. its good to shed. It is a positive sign. you still have 7 months before you can really judge any sort of result, just relax, you are doing everything you can.


Papazappa, he is right. I'm on month 7.5 and have just come out of a shed. It means it is working...


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Yep, month 5 for me as well and things are slow.. Go to the topic "To shed or not to Shed" and you'll see what I wrote down for my first four and 1/2 months.



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I'm a newbie and a little unclear on one aspect of shedding. Is that lost hair supposed to come back eventually? Or is it just a fact of the drug?


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the idea is, that you are shedding hairs you would have lost anyway (they were in the dying process), propecia is a very good maintainer, so the idea (at least from what i've read on this forum) is that the hairs that fall out while on treatment come back, and come in healthier and thicker because they are not starved by the DHT this time, unfortunately, it seems to happen that these hairs do this in a cycle rather than gradually so people tend to get sheds. i only shed at the beginning and i'm hoping it stays that way!


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Trent8- Thanks for the info, and your advice in my story thread... I appreciate it alot.