Shed from nizoral overuse, will I continue to shed w rogaine


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I recently started using nizoral to combat my stress induced/hereditary hair loss. I overused it, or something else, yet either way my hairline has shed like crazy over the last few months.

My question, I have decided to start using rogaine. Will I continue to shed through the initial shedding phase, or is shedding shedding and I've likely lost what would have been shed. Since I've already lost a decent amount.


Established Member
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Are you still using the nizoral? I've heard varying reports of shedding from it and wonder if the shed is a positive thing.


nizoral is something you need to use only if neccesery, with scalp irritation, I'm using it twice a week and never exprienced a problem

Captain Hook

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Also a good question is how much do you put it on your head? I've used to put way too much on my head because it lathers less than usual shampoos but I've noticed my hair and scalp being dry so I've started using much less.

Btw I don't think Ketoconazole shampoo will help at all with hereditary hair loss, from what I've read it's used mainly to combat dandruff and itchiness made from minoxidils transporting vehicle ingredient propylene glycol.

Literally all you need is 5 mL or so 2-4x a week. No one should be overusing it in the first place because as per the studies I've posted in various threads (check my story thread or any threads I've recently posted in about Nizoral), it remains on the scalp in therapeutic concentrations anywhere from 4-10 days.

As for ketoconazole's ability to help with Androgenetic Alopecia, check ketoconazole's wikipedia page, it's a proven antiandrogen that inhibits the synthesis of DHT and is a weak antagonist at the androgen receptor.