Shed from Propecia to Proscar? Makes no sense.


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About a week ago I started taking Proscar, having been on Propecia for about 4 years. I was gradually losing ground due to the aggressiveness of my male pattern baldness. Its gradual but basically I've been quite consistently NOT waking up with hairs all over my pillow for example, like I did when I first started balding.

I made this switch because :

a) to save some money as the $85 a month is pricey
b) by upping my dosage from 1mg Finasteride (propecia) to 1.25mg Finasteride (proscar generic) - maybe it'll improve my gradual slide as in the past few months my hairline has being going downwards.


I've seen a few stories online about this shedding and some people even switching back to propecia cause they are scared. I don't understand why it would create such a shed if it is the same drug primarily? It surely wouldn't be to a 0.25mg dosage difference? I can't find any data that shows propecia actually contains anything different to get better results than the finasteride. Also, the drug-fillers are more or less the same too.

I've sometimes forgot to take propecia for days at a time and never really shedded. I feel like I'm shedding just as much as when I originally started taking propecia.



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Bryan or one of the other experienced posters - I'd like to hear your opinion on this?


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Hey mate,

Thanks for that. So that suggests regardless of the dose - 1mg or 1.25mg it is the same more or less - effect.

Leaving 2 reasons for the shed on change from proscar to propecia...

a) simple dosage changes may effect the way the body reacts and there is initial changeover period with body adjusting to new dosage even if it has no greater / worser effect.

b) proscar and propecia, must be different enough in some shape or form to cause the shed.


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I don't understand why people don't think more of this subject and get involved?

Its a prity massive suggestion and one people often talk about. The difference between two drugs supposed to do the same thing?!?!

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I don't understand why people don't think more of this subject and get involved?

Its a prity massive suggestion and one people often talk about. The difference between two drugs supposed to do the same thing?!?!


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Changing dosage or being inconsistent in the routine could be factors from what I've read.


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many people have asked this before, on this site and on other hairloss forums. no one knows the answer imho. i had the same problem when switching between finpecia and finax, i too posted on here but very little feedback- i had more sides and a massive shed even tho the finasteride doses were the same. i decided to switch back to my first brand finpecia and luckily things went back to normal.


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Thanks guys for your oppinions. I did read that when taking quarter of 5MG that you don't always get an exact quarter every night... therefore each night is different from the last.... Whereas atleast with propecia it was a guarenteed 1mg every night.

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Any other thoughts on this?!?!?!

Hair shedding and thinning like a mofo.


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I was shedding for almost the entire time I was on propecia, I added dutasteride and the shedding got worse. I heard that its rare but some people can get the opposite effect on the drugs and it causes a form of Telogen Effluvium which I freaked out about, I was on drugs for over 18 months and was miniaturizing all over and receding a little so I was advised to get off the drugs, I have been off them for 3 days so I am hoping my shedding stabilizes and I can keep what I have left for a while atleast! I might try one 0.5mg od dutasteride a week or one 1mg propecia everyother day and see how that goes, I think some people just cant handle the up regulation of T that it comes with the added androgens and causes shedding wayyy faster I have also been advised to add spironolactone but it hasn't arrived yet I think that maybe you could add spironolactone and see if that counteracts the shedding also sammo? Goodluck to all of you guys