Shed hair not growing back?!


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I'm sorry if this has been asked before, but this is really unsettling and bothering me. For reference, I'm 19, 18 when I started finasteride back in June, and had a thinning/receding hairline, with very slight thinning around my entire scalp. About four months ago (three months into finasteride), I had a MASSIVE shed that lasted about one month, and nearly destroyed my hair. My issue is that the hair that has shed has not yet grown back yet, however, I am starting to see these little white hairs in areas that had previously been stripped of any and all hair. I guess that's a good sign, but I am worried that my hair will remain as thin as it is now. My hairline has almost decreased by half in density, and honestly, it looks terrible for a person my age.

Will the shed hair grow back? If so, how soon? Will adding Nizoral at this point make my hair shed even more, and not regrow as well?



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My schedule is too chaotic to consistently use Mindox, (Full time student, Full time job & part time job). Could adding Nizoral 2-3x a week be just as effective as using minoxidil?

Agustin Araujo

My Regimen
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My schedule is too chaotic to consistently use Mindox, (Full time student, Full time job & part time job). Could adding Nizoral 2-3x a week be just as effective as using minoxidil?

Minoxidil will be tremendously better at maintaining and regrowing hair than using a Ketoconazole shampoo. I use Minoxidil twice daily and I don't find it chaotic, it's about being disciplined with application. It doesn't take long to apply the treatment if you know what you're doing, and use the foam version so you can style your hair as you please.