shed is over


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hey guys, just wanted to let all those that are currently in a shed to push through it, i just came out of a two week shed, and man, my hair is starting to look really good! hopefully its not just a couple of those "good hair days" that you have, but i just thought i would add some positive mood to the sometimes overly negative message board. 3.5 months, and things are looking up, despite a depression shed two weeks ago. its weird, i remember my hair looking better after my first shed (not during, i was devastated during them) when i first started propecia too, so at least for me, the sheds seem to mean progress.

rescue hair

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Good to hear it. I've been shedding lately too. Hope the end to mine is also coming. I can see lots of thin, short hairs in the thin areas, so maybe they'll grow out and start to fill everything in.


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yup, i have those too. some of mine have even grown to the length of my natural hair, so i'm hoping the others will follow in their lead. stick with it!


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Phew, good Trent. I'm hoping to follow your lead since I've noticed we have some symptoms in common. Seriously when you said you had a terrible shed I lost a bit of hope.


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I just came out of a 3 month long shed it looks like. It's finally over. It's been very light shedding for the past week or so, so I'm gonna take that as a sign that my shedding is finally calming down.


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Trent, good to hear things are finally getting better. Remember that this is a roller coaster ride and you will have good days and bads days still to come. Be patient!

Deaner, my brother! Glad to hear that things have settle down with you. My shedding has also become much lighter and I feel very optomistic that a grown spurt will be coming along soon. Soon you will be posting about how thick your hair has become and how you had to get a super wide tooth comb......

Over and OUT!


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lol, always there to bring up my spirits brasileirao. Yea, I'm pretty sure now that my hair shedding has stabilized and become much lower, new hairs will be spurting up in the coming months. Things are definitely looking up, my hair's doing great these days :) And hey, I still have those really fine grey hairs on my temples! No idea if they'll ever become anything, but promising nonetheless considering my temples were slick bald ;)


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My shed slowing down...

Like many here... I've been on the shed from hell over the last couple of months. I've noticed over the last 7-10 days that I'm sheding very little hair throughout the day. I see only 3-10 in the sink or shower each day, compared to, it seemed, 3 or 4 times that amount.

That said, it's taken a toll because my hair looks like sh#%, especially around the hairline. I'm hoping this marks the start of my big turnaround. I'm around the 8 month mark on the Big 3, so it could be time. :lol:


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Hell man.. i have been on 1/5 Proscar for like 3 weeks now and the shed is crazy.. everyday in the washroom when i comb my hair i lose like 100 hair.. right in front of my eyes.. its so discouraging man... :cry:


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hey, i shed for three weeks when i first started propecia, so you can relax, i don't think it was a hundred like you said, but who knows, i wasn't really counting, it was just noticeable

Bone Daddy

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over a month, and I only have about 30-40 hairs in the shower. (v/s about 10 or so before use) RARELY on my shoulders, keyboard, or pillow. I've combed my hair lately and either one or two might come out, or none at all.



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I just came out of a shed as well. Wasn't that major... was my first shed since I have only been on the regimen from one month from this date.

From the negative posts I've seen around here I was expecting to look like a chemo patient after a shed. The final result... not bad. Yeah my hair on top overall looks really thin. The back of head I think was the major shedding area. It looks incredible thin back there than it was before. Now it even feels way thin when I run my hand through it.

I know it must of been a shed because there was like 150 hairs in the sink and tons on my pillow. I know people tell you don't count lost hairs but I know I never left that many hairs in the sink and bath tub before the treatment.

I'm actually excited from this shed. Definately a sign the treatment is working, perhaps a sign that I might be a good responder after only about 3 weeks when it started. I'm actually disappointed that my hairline didn't get any worse from the shed. My goal is some regrowth(temples) and that fact that my temples didn't get any worse and the small crappy hairs in place of where I had full hair 1 year ago are still there. However, I noticed that all the areas where my hairline started to recede about 4 1/2 years still have tons of small barely noticable hairs covering the surface. Heres to holding my breath that I still have lots of living hair cells that could come back on my hairline. GO MINOXIDYL! GO!!!


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:shock: Is this shed that everyone is coming out of, a bit like coming out of the "closet". I don't know about you but I think site is going all gay. It's like the "Invasion of the body snatchers" :freaked2:

The Gardener

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oni said:
:shock: Is this shed that everyone is coming out of, a bit like coming out of the "closet". I don't know about you but I think site is going all gay. It's like the "Invasion of the body snatchers" :freaked2:

Yep, exactly. Everyone here is gay, and now that you are here your own gayness is a matter of inevitability. So, welcome aboard the S.S. Manhandler, 'seaman' oni, we're having a party... And, when we have the barbeque in the summer, can you wear those black pants of yours? Ooooooh yeah... they're cute on you. :wink2:


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aaaaaahhhhhhhaaaahhhhhaaaaaaaaahhhhh woooops now I am screaming like a girl :hairy:


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Thought I should chime in too (first post). I have been on Finasteride for about 3 weeks (meant to document exactly how long but I'm lazy) and I definitely noticed a lot of shedding, because before that I rarely 'noticed' any fallout, and now everytime I lean on the sink i notice a couple of hairs in there, and hairy palms when washing my hair is a little disconcerting.
I also had really itchy and flakey scalp on the sides of my head, but Polytar is clearing that up quite well so far.
Anyway, like most shedders I'm hoping that the regrowth will be more dramatic than the shed.
Luck to all us chrome domes!


My shed is also over, took a real hit on the temples but the hairline still remains the same but a little thinner. But I think things are starting to pick up, I'll just have to wait and see.....


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My shed is still going strong (on almost 30 months now - this is my second big (read MASSIVE) shed and it's getting a bit depressing.

I'll get one hair everytime I run my hands through my hair, 100 in the shower, 10-20 on my pillow in the morning. The worst thing is I can now feel the back of my head going as well :freaked2:

This is driving me insane!!! :freaked2: :freaked2: :freaked2:


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My shed seemed to be over, but in the shower I got a hefty amount on my hands, so we'll see how things are tomorrow, maybe it was a freak incident in amongst the calm. Still no flakes though, great news, and my hair's still very pleasing.