Shed/Regrowth Cycles


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I've heard so much about people going through shedding and regrowth cycles, and getting so scared by it.

How long are these "cycles"? I understand that it's probably different for everyone, but what's the general rule? Plus, how much time between cycles? I just have no clue.

Last, how bad are they? Can someone give me an example of their "shedding/regrowth cycle history" just to help me understand? I don't really know what it means.

Sometimes I think I'm going through a shedding cycle, but how do I know that it's just a cycle, and not simply an acceleration of the balding process?

Thanks in advance.


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I think the best thing you could do to get the most accurate understanding of what could happen to you, is by taking the hair growth products for yourself and see what happens.

It wont matter how many different stories you read, no one will be able to predict what you might experience nor will their experience change your own.


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I have had them as well. I started proscar/minoxidil combination about 5,5 years ago. Since then, I have had three of these "cycles" in which I always tought that it would be the end of my hair. It each time recovered, either :
- because I've added something new to my regimen (spironolactone/nizoral/retin-a)
- because I didn't apply a product for sometime (1 week) for my hair to stop becoming dependent of it (I happend to be in such cycle twice whiles being on holiday and not having sufficient stuff with me)
- because it just goes like this : on and off

best advice : add something good to your regimen and it will boost your hair again



Established Member
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good question, i would like to know what else is know about this cycle sh*t. how long does a shed last for? thanks


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Still no real answers.

Can anyone "shed" some light on shedding and regrowth cycles?

Can whoever's reading this just chip in with their experience of shedding, etc.? Any information (from anyone) would be appreciated.

I've heard the "you've got to find out for yourself" advice many times but I'm absolutely certain there are some general rules that apply to most everyone. For example, when you go out in the rain, chances are that you're going to get wet. It's not a guarantee (because nothing's guaranteed- you have to find out for yourself) but that's the reasonable hypothesis.

At any rate, I'd like to learn more about shedding and regrowth if someone would be happy to provide some info. I know it's different for everyone. I've heard that many times. I'm just wondering if we could maybe get past that?



Anyone used minoxidil for a reasonably long period without shedding??



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I would like to hear more about this too...

I've been on Minoxidil 5% for about 3 weeks now. I can already see "fuzz" growing on my temples (is this possible already?) anyway I just got done running a comb thruogh my hair and low and behold I look at the sink and I see 15 - 20 hairs sitting in the sink!!! 8O I'm sorta scared by this. is this too soon for a shed? IS this a shed? someone please shed some light on this as this is scaring the sh*t out of me right now. :cry: :cry:


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oh and in the past I've never seen more than 3 or 4 hairs if any when combing my hair... :freaked: :freaked:


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Don't panic. I have read many times that sheds can occur so soon into the beginning of a regimen. Stick with it, it'll calm down.


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When I started minoxidil and finasteride, I noticed an immediate increase in the numbers of hairs in the drain in the shower. Hair up front got a bit thinner, but now, two and a half months later, the drain is finally starting to look a little clearer, and the fuzz I had at one month is now actually turning into hair IN THE PARTS THAT THINNED in the beginning AND MORE. Everyone's different, but try to stick with it, and that will give you your most accurate results.


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There is some information on the net that suggests humans go thru the same process as animals with regards to shedding. A seasonal shed in the fall so that the winter coat will grow in and then again in spring to grow in the summer coat. I'm no scientist but over the course of 27 years of losing my hair there have always been periods of time when I would lose more hair and then times when I was losing very little. I never noticed whether it was during a particular season, never thought about it in those terms, but it certainly may have been related. I just started using rogaine in september and already have pretty good results, but unlike many of you I have a lot more balding area and can see new growth easily (no hair in the way, LOL). I also notice more hair on the shower floor. If seasonal shedding does occur in humans then I wonder if I chose the right time to start. I guess it depends on how you look at it.


....."(no hair in the way, LOL)".....

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

I don't know why but that made me laugh, maybe it's this minoxidil I'm drinking?
