So long Hair

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I've noticed that shedding seems to be the No. 1 topic of discussion in this place. Shedding topics often take up about 1/3 of each page. I'm so sick of "What is a shed?" and " Oh no, I'm shedding again". I'll bet many of you are sick of it too. I'm sure when you clicked on THIS topic, you thought "Great. Another damn shedding topic!". I reckon should open up a new forum....... just for shedding!


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It’s the single most misunderstood word on this forum. I don’t understand why, but for some reason it is posted about here more than any other forum. It’s sheer paranoia and mob panic type mentality. Hardly anyone understands it no matter how many times it gets explained because people are to lazy to read an explanation that is more than 2 sentences.

I posted a topic a few days ago with 2 graphs and 2 angles of explanation and it only got 311 hits and it has already dropped to page 2. Pretty funny how lazy people are in taking the time to research something and yet they will spend hours counting hairs on pillows crying.

I am so sick of it ...I give up trying to explain it.


Anyone that goes through a shed can never be prepared for what it will do to there progress.

I don't think it's a case of people not understanding it, i just think it's a case of people shitting a brick when it happens and that they would like some support.

But I do agree that some posters are too lazy to even do a search about it. That does get on my nerves.

Anyway, does anyone know where I can buy some cheap Proscar.... Anyone????


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traxdata said:
I don't think it's a case of people not understanding it, i just think it's a case of people shitting a brick when it happens and that they would like some support.

Well you do have people who say

"I have been shedding for 8 months and I am losing 200 hairs a day........"

"I took my first Peropacia pill an hour ago and I am shedding (Deaner)"

But yeah, SUPPORT IS UNDERSTANDABLE. But the frequency of people discussing it is amazing.


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I think that shedding thread you started should be put up as a "sticky".


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[quote="CassinWell you do have people who say
"I have been shedding for 8 months and I am losing 200 hairs a day........"
Well that would be me. I'm scared to ask this question on this forum since I know it makes me sound paranoia. However I have been shedding alot for 9 1/2 months - it's been taking off the last 3 months or so. Just had a shower and I swear I must have seen 200 hairs alone. (no I don't count hairs - this is just an estimate).

So to give a response to this email is, that not all shedding threads on this forum are from Newbies who are just popping their first pill.....


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PartTimeNinja said:
Well that would be me. I'm scared to ask this question on this forum since I know it makes me sound paranoia. However I have been shedding alot for 9 1/2 months - it's been taking off the last 3 months or so. Just had a shower and I swear I must have seen 200 hairs alone. (no I don't count hairs - this is just an estimate).

So to give a response to this email is, that not all shedding threads on this forum are from Newbies who are just popping their first pill.....

What exactly makes you think your 200 hair fallout is shedding instead of your regimen not working?


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I would like to add that not only did I read your post but I found it very informative and helpfull.

Keep up the good work!



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Cassin said:
What exactly makes you think your 200 hair fallout is shedding instead of your regimen not working?

Well I guess I don't really know. The thing is I can have have a shower (shampoo twice): 40 hairs. dry my hair: 20 hairs. Style my hair: another 20 hairs. The shedding keeps going and going. If it was a normal progression I would wash all the loose hairs out in the shower and then half and hour later new hairs would fall. The hair I'm loosing is mostly healty thick hair.......

I don't think I'm a great responder though.......