Shed? What to do the end of my rope


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So I haven't been on the forum for a while. Heres an update.
Gave up on Rogaine, got the foam which seemed to work a bit better. Less irritating but still more than I can take. I have very sensitive skin and after using for 6 months it became unbearable, plus whenever I applied it made what hair I had look like sh*t.

Took the ultimate plunge. Got a mild transplant. basically on my hairline. It was a bad Have yet to see if it was worth it. Been 3 months, and the hair is finally growing back but I mean for $5600 I expected alot more. Looks really fake and had better fill out.

Started Nizoral again, now that its not sensitive. Use Nioxin on off days, just for whatever little extra it may provide.

Was feeling pretty good about what I had done, and confident. Then I started on Proscar. I was advised to take 1/4 a day by the hair transplant doctor. (Got some samples from my doctor, enough for a year ;) but I have noticed that the hair behind my transplant looks thinner now.
been on Proscar for over a month. Is this a shed? Will the proscar help thicken the rest of my hair, research says yes, but I consider u guys the experts.
I swear if this thinning hair falls out, the owner of the hair transplant place is gonna pay somehow. They should know enough to either suggest more transplant or warn u of what they notice as far as immediate hair loss soon after the procedure.

the meds seem pretty good, only real side effect I have is a little nut pain ;)
Any suggestions as to other things I can add to my regi?


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you did many drastic things recently, i would advise sou to keep using the big three for 8-10 months and see how it goes. This thinning you are noticing might be shockloss, shedding because you stopped minoxidil, or shedding from finasteride. You need to stay consistent to a regimen and wait for the results...


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3 months is too early to see how well a hair transplant is coming on.
You can judge how good a hair transplant is after 9 months - no earlier than that.


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k, thanks for the advice......
I've been off minoxidil for quit am long time now, and I never saw any results minus a few white hairs around the edge of my hairline.
The hair is growing in well but still looks very fake. Do hair transplants normally look natural?
Lastly is the shed shock from finasteride normal? I mean I'm losing alot of hair in said area.


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you made really a big mistake ...

first of all you have to be in with finastride to thick your donor area and you've could gone to hair transplant....

Mens Rea

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keep on the finasteride and be patient

going for a hair transplant on a diffuse thinning head particurly at a young age is suicide if you ask me - the hair all around it will still thin and get worse so what good is a little crumpled up island that you tranplanted going to do? ]

anyway, i hope it works out for u mate - patience