Shedding 2 Months in with Rogaine with Zero Regrowth?


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Started noticing thinning hair when I was about 14 years old, but never anything concerning until the summer of 2010 when I decided to do something about it. In august 2010 (Now 17 years old), I started nioxin shampoo after my father who also uses it suggested it. I went through a pretty bad shed (150-200 hairs per day), and not knowing about the nature of what a shed was, decided to stop use of nioxin and started using Rogaine Foam twice a day in late september 2010. I have been on this treatment for almost two months, and the shedding hasn't stopped (now about 100 hairs per day), in fact I have seen considerably increased thinning throughout the top of my head and the only place where I have seen any growth is on the very front of my hairline, and even this is very very little. This is concerning because although I have read that the shedding period can last up to 100 days, I am yet to see any hairs coming in, only empty scalp between the unshed hairs. Has anyone who has had success with Rogaine Foam experienced this long of a shedding period (two months), without seeing even minimal regrowth?


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man, from what little i know, rogaine generally isn't the place you're gunna be recommended to start on. i've heard of pretty horrifying sheds on that stuff and while it is a growth stimulant, it's not there to retain what you already do have (like finasteride is)
i'd say jump on the finasteride.


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Thanks, I started Propecia in mid November and of course I haven't really seen any effects there yet. My hair seemed to fill in a bit during December, especially in the crown, presumably from the rogaine because I wouldn't expect Propecia to work that fast. Now, since early January (about 4 months of rogaine), i'm shedding again and I don't know why. Could it be the start of a new growth phase like I read about on the other shedding posts?


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wait wait wait, you're 14 and trying finasteride?? that's not good at all man! you're going to get some serious side effects for sure.


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oops, should've read the whole thing i guess. i'm still very against taking finasteride due to the serious potential side effects. i myself started losing my hair at the age of 16


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I was prescribed the finasteride by a Hair specialist, who said hair loss runs in her family and her brother who is a pediatrician has his 14 year old sons taking finasteride as well. She seemed to think it was completely harmless. Nevertheless she had me take three weeks of samples before I bought the years supply and I have experienced no side effects so far.

As for the progress, my hair loss has been pretty stagnant for the last month, with occasional thins in the temple areas that fill up maybe a week later. I am still hoping for a big growth, as I am still below baseline.