Shedding 3 Weeks In Minoxidil And Finasteride


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I recently purchased Minoxidil and Finasteride, as I believe my hairline was changing. Not sure if it was my mature hair (as just turned 30) or it was receding. My dad has a receding hairline but is 60 and it still looks decent. I've NEVER noticed any shedding prior to taking these meds, but their hair seemed finer around the temples.

Now my hair is shedding a lot and it's scaring me, can these medications have the opposite and irreversable effects? I'm scared I've triggered something and started wheels in motion that perhaps were OK to beggin with in terms of balding.

I noticed balding in one particular spot. As outlined in these pics.



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The minoxidil leaflet says you will see MORE hairloss in the first weeks. Apparently it is hair that was supposed to fall out anyways. It will regrow stronger. Hang in there.


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I've been using minoxidil for almost six months and there was always no or little shedding. I have added finasteride for three weeks this July and experienced massive shedding and thinning on the second week. I have stopped finasteride and the shedding seemed to slow down. But it is still far more than it used to be when I was on minoxidil only.

What I first thought has happened that I was having old weak hairs falling out that would later regrow and be stronger. Than I have noticed that my scalp is super oily and went searching these symptoms. Seems that this combination (early shedding and oily scalp) indicates that finasteride won't be working for me and make more damage than good. It is the case when your body has allergic reaction to the drug and produces far more testosterone than it used to.

So check your scalp for oiliness and other symptom - increased libido. Also you can google "oily scalp after finasteride" and read it for yourself.


P.S. You have really thick hair.