Shedding 8 months after starting propecia+minoxidil+rooscure


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Since December 2008 I noticed that my hair was rapidly thinning (crown area and temples) and that I was losing hair at an alarming rate (150+ hairs a day). In June 2009 I finally decided to vist my GP to let him look at it. He said that I was perfectly healthy and that nothing could be done against my hairloss. I wasn't satisfied with his answer and I asked him to refer me to a dermatologist. According to the dermatologist I was perfectly healthy and he advised me to start with propecia and minoxidil. I started with both in October 2009. I also decided to add Rooscure shampoo to my regime because I had an large amount of dandruff and rooscure shampoo would help against lowering the DHT levels in my scalp.

The first month the hairloss continued. But I gradually saw an improvement: I was losing less hair (25-50 hairs a day)!!! After two months into the treatment I noticed an enormous increase in hairloss (200+ hairs a day), but I read that this might be a shed. After the shed my hairloss stabilized to about 50 hairs a day. I even spotted some regrowth and my hair looked a lot thicker and it was shiny again.

However, now after almost 8 months on the big 3, my hairloss is again at the level prior to the treatment (150+ hairs a day). It looks like the treatment isn't working anymore and that I've become immune to the big 3 :(

Some other remarks that need to be made:
- I sleep about 5 a 6 hours a night
- I recently had an enormous amount of stress (half the month of February and the entire month of March)
- Body hair is also falling out at an enourmous rate (when I pull it, it comes out easily)
- When I pull the hair on my head it comes out very easily
- I'm also rapidly thinning in the non male pattern baldness area's

Can anyone advise me what to do?

My regime:
- propecia once a day since October 2009
- Kirkland minoxidil once or twice a day since October 2009
- Rooscure shampoo (1% ketoconzanole) twice a week since October 2009
- 0.5l green tea a day since June 2009
- 0.5l nettle leaf tea a day since April 2010
- Multi-vitamins once a day since Januari 2009