Shedding After 6 Months On Finasteride


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Hello everyone,

so, first of all, this is my first post. I've been lurking around this forum for a while now and now I need your advice.
I'm 27 yo, caucasic (no idea whether that's relevant). I've been on minoxidil 5% for a while now, maybe 2 or 3 years ago. I wasn't very consistent at first, I think mostly because I started treatment early and I wasn't scared enough. I basically started because both sides of my family have quite bad genes in terms of hair. My dad, in particular, has been bald since his early 20s (but I read somewhere that one should rather look at his mother's side). Anyway, I became more consistent with minoxidil (1ml morning + 1 ml night) in the end of September 2015, but I started having severe skin flakes and itching, so I lowered the dose to only 1 ml at night. I still suffer from dandruff and my scalp is terribly itchy but it was even worse on the old dosage. I wash my hair eod with a cicloproxamine shampoo, which has helped a bit but the situation is still very bad (I've tried ketoconazole but the results weren't that good and cicloproxamine is much cheaper, so I switched back after a couple of weeks). But this is not what's really worrying me. I went to see a dermatologist in Nov 2015 and he gave me fina 1 mg ed, other than the shampoo I mentioned. After hesitating for a couple of months, I finally started taking fina every day on 8 January 2016. At first, it looked like things were getting better, although I think it was probably the minoxidil finally giving results, but since more or less a month ago I've started shedding like a motherf***er. Every time i shower I lose a LOT of hair and every time I run my hand through my hair I find at least 4-5 hairs. both my hairline and my vertex lost a lot of thickness. I am steadily going towards a Norwood 2. The hairs I lose don't look thin nor weak, they're just a lot. Please, shoot some of your knowledge at me! oh, btw, no sides from fina whatsoever.


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Hello everyone,

so, first of all, this is my first post. I've been lurking around this forum for a while now and now I need your advice.
I'm 27 yo, caucasic (no idea whether that's relevant). I've been on minoxidil 5% for a while now, maybe 2 or 3 years ago. I wasn't very consistent at first, I think mostly because I started treatment early and I wasn't scared enough. I basically started because both sides of my family have quite bad genes in terms of hair. My dad, in particular, has been bald since his early 20s (but I read somewhere that one should rather look at his mother's side). Anyway, I became more consistent with minoxidil (1ml morning + 1 ml night) in the end of September 2015, but I started having severe skin flakes and itching, so I lowered the dose to only 1 ml at night. I still suffer from dandruff and my scalp is terribly itchy but it was even worse on the old dosage. I wash my hair eod with a cicloproxamine shampoo, which has helped a bit but the situation is still very bad (I've tried ketoconazole but the results weren't that good and cicloproxamine is much cheaper, so I switched back after a couple of weeks). But this is not what's really worrying me. I went to see a dermatologist in Nov 2015 and he gave me fina 1 mg ed, other than the shampoo I mentioned. After hesitating for a couple of months, I finally started taking fina every day on 8 January 2016. At first, it looked like things were getting better, although I think it was probably the minoxidil finally giving results, but since more or less a month ago I've started shedding like a motherf***er. Every time i shower I lose a LOT of hair and every time I run my hand through my hair I find at least 4-5 hairs. both my hairline and my vertex lost a lot of thickness. I am steadily going towards a Norwood 2. The hairs I lose don't look thin nor weak, they're just a lot. Please, shoot some of your knowledge at me! oh, btw, no sides from fina whatsoever.
How is situation right now?