shedding after finasteride and dutasteride!!! Help Please.


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Hi everyone,

first I want to apologize for my bad english because I'm persian!

I'm 22 years old boy with male pattern baldness. my story about hair shedding begin 6 month ago.
After a consultation with dermatologist doctor about treatment for hair loss (as you all know) his prescription was daily 1mg finasteride. I start using of finpecia for 20 days in row but some problems made me leave the drug for about 50 days. after that I suddenly noticed that I lost a lot of hairs and shedding became really faster.
So I start again finpecia for 30 days but shedding doesn't stop. then I decide to switch on stronger drug so start using 0.5mg dutasteride (GSk Avodart) per day and until now I'm about 80 days on dutasteride. but my head gets worse and worse every day and it seems shedding don't want to stop!!!

All I know this isn't accelerated alopecia because I'm not alone in this way and my big brother (27 yo) start with me and has a same story. tests does not show thyroid problems.

So the only remain thing is reflex hyperandrogenicity.

I take a hormone test after 70 days on dutasteride and this is the results: results:........lab norm:
Total T:.............5.6 ng/ml..........0.1-12
Free T:.............13.6 pg/ml.........3.84-34.17
Estradiol:..........40 pg/ml............<62
LH:...................2.08 mIU/ml.......1.1-7
FSH:.................1.42 mIU/ml.......1.7-12
TSH:.................1.60 uIU/ml........0.25-5

I have not excessive libido or very oily skin or increase in rashes. I also have not side effects says for finasteride/dutasteride (Impotence and etc )

So what is wrong with my hairs? is this initial shedding? are these results enough for rejecting hyperandrogenic? or still it is possible for me to have reflex effect with drugs?

What should I do now? leave drugs or keep using? how long shedding must continue?


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Any idea? please if dutasteride could lead me to early baldness please aware me to stop drug and save what I already have!

my hair density really decreased but hair lines still does not recede!!!


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Captain Combover said:
You need to be on one of these drugs for at least 6 months before you notice improvements. A lot of people taking Finasteride get shedding in the first 6 months of treatment.

If i were you i would take just 1.25mg Finasteride per day, take photos of your hair, and see if you have improvements in a years time.

Keep using the Finasteride, what you are experiencing is initial shedding. Your hair will look worse before it looks better.

Post some pictures and you may get more comments.

Thanks for your respond my friend. yes topic with pictures could be more genuine, I dont have a good pic that shows my hair before taking drug but I try to make some photo from now (Although I really dont like to have a memorial from this sucky period) I know about initial shedding phase but I think it's take really long time and large amount of my hairs (also my brother) from that I could expect!

Guys, lets discus about this more, about hyperandrogenicty and how real it is? I read a lot of comments from those who claim that finasteride and dutasteride cause permanent hair loss! but I asked from 2 trusty and well-known dermatologist in my country about this and they say "impossible"!!!
Also asked from 2 doctor on the internet (maybe you know them Dr. Mohebi and Dr. Rassman) and they also say "we dont believe it"!!! does we know better than them?!
and we also know there is nothing in drug advisors and FDA about side effect hair loss!!!
So what could proof this and make it possible? and well if it is possible!!! now what is definite diagnosis or symptoms? most of what they say all people normaly have (just like oily face or acne of face or libido)... is this a catastrophe with no logic singe and style?

Please share me your Ideas. :heart:


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Well, no idea

I take my decision, I'll quite this crap. for last 5 month I just had shed, and there is no assurance.some days see some regrowth and after a bit see those shed like others ... I cant take it any more. beginig this was biggest mistake in my entire life. I knew that now specialist Dr. sometimes are how fool and untrustable.

Just someone's tells me. if this was a initial shedding. would I have back my hairs again off the drug? would I bee the 6 month ago man?


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I have your same problem. I'm 26 and i started to take finasteride only for improve a little but currently since Febrary my hair looks significantly worst,... also i have experimented a soft increase of libido and gym performance, and I had laser depilation in my arms and now the hair has again come :-( so I'm absolutly sure that I have experimented an hormonal change but I have fear for leave finasteride becouse i think that our andorgenetic receptors are more sensibles that before so now this could be still worst

I'm going to make me analysis but i guess that all my datas will be fine and this is going to make me crazy :)

Other thing all my head hair is thinner,...

sorry for my english i'm foreign


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señorgeko said:
I have your same problem. I'm 26 and i started to take finasteride only for improve a little but currently since Febrary my hair looks significantly worst,... also i have experimented a soft increase of libido and gym performance, and I had laser depilation in my arms and now the hair has again come :-( so I'm absolutly sure that I have experimented an hormonal change but I have fear for leave finasteride becouse i think that our andorgenetic receptors are more sensibles that before so now this could be still worst

I'm going to make me analysis but i guess that all my datas will be fine and this is going to make me crazy :)

Other thing all my head hair is thinner,...

sorry for my english i'm foreign

I have not increase in libido and about body hair I dont know! I think I growth some new but I'm not sure, I never count my body hair before.

I think a blood test could be wise work. at least if the problem is increase in T or estro you could manage them with other drugs before its too late.

I decrease dutasteride to 2 in the week an start using 100mg spironolactone daily. I hope this one dont f*ck me like finasteride/dutasteride


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i dont think you should give up just yet., wait at least 18 months before making your decision,
i too started on the .5mg finasteride and then after 6 months i went up 1mg but i feel like my hair is getting worse, i think panicking about it will cause stress and yet cause more loss... i know its easier said then done (because i check my hair on a daily basis, but i think it will do you the best if you just take your pills and try to forget about it)

try and take photos in the same room under the same light once a month,

also try and post a picture of your current state now so we have a visual diary and every month we can see whats happening

wish you the best of luck with your treatments and hopefully you will see some results soon