Shedding at 8 weeks?


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Is it possible to go through the shedding phase as early as 8 weeks after starting propecia? I thought 3 months was the earliest a shedding phase would begin...


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I would also like to know if anyone else has had this. I've been on finasteride for roughly the same time and I've noticed the same effect. I started using nioxin religiously at around the same time and in the first month or so I noticed a definite improvement (but I've used nioxin before to some success so I understand why it and how it works). Recently though it seems that more hair has been dropping out and my male pattern baldness areas are a little worse for wear (definitely seeing more scalp).

I'm not freaking out or anything. I understand that different drugs affect different people in different ways. There are a few guys that have had definite regrowth off finasteride after 3 months (rare, but the photos are there), so it's reasonable to believe there is possibly an accelerated process for some guys, just as some dudes can be on the same drug for nearly 2 years and not stop the loss and then BAM! it all of a sudden works.

Anywho, we could also just be caught in a the down turn of our hair's natural life cycle. The bottom line is keep on truckin'. I don't think there are any cases where this drug has accelerated hair loss...