Shedding at Hairline???


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Hey I'm a newbie here thinking of starting propecia. I've begun to thin a bit around my hairline/temple area only. It's not very noticeable to anybody yet except myself. I'm considering taking propecia to stop any further thinning/loss in it's tracks, kind of a pre-emptive strike type of thing. My only concern is this, I have read on some of these discussions that people who had a full intact hairline began to take propecia to only see their hairline continue to recede, or worse, shed the hair by their hairline/temple region and it never grew back the same. I know propecia is less sucessful with the hairline area (what a shame), but to what extent is this true? Can anybody please give their personal results with their hairlines/temples after starting finasteride. Any input would be deeply appreciated, thanks!


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Are you certain that it's actually the beginning of male pattern baldness and not just the onset of a "mature hairline"?


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No, I am not sure...I wish it was a mature hairline but I have reason to believe it's not. I visited a hair transplant doctor in the city who looked at my hair and my history and told me that it will only get worse unless I start propecia and rogaine. I've also heard that these kind of doctors can not be trusted and to see my dermatologist instead. My father went bald in his twenties as well ( I am 20 years old) and his father is bald too, although my mothers side of the family all have full heads of hair. I do feel that my hair has thinned a little bit in the front/hairline area, and I can notice it when it is wet, it just looks different (kind of flimsier). Also I am noticing hairs falling out here and there, especially when I am in the shower. I don't know what this means though, I wish it was nothing but I guess I'm the type of guy who expects the worst and hopes for the best.


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Hi blindfan,

Shedding on minoxidil is seen generally as a good sign. However, I don't believe I've been lucky in this regard. I've been using a 12.5% minoxidil & azaelic acid solution since around May 2007. Initially I had good results (i.e. minimal regrowth but stabilisation of hair loss). However in January 2008 I noticed a massive shed; it literally happened in only a few days and my entire hairline had receded, up to about a centimetre at most. When I pushed my hair back at the temples I could see the thinning and my scalp underneath (which I couldn't notice a week or so before.

I continued using the minoxidil religiously till about mid-May and although I didn't notice another huge shed, I was gradually losing. (Between January and May I also went on dutasteride which I believe may have accelerated hairloss). I have actually started on the minoxidil again (this time 15%) and think Iv'e shed again so I reckon I'll go to a much lighter solution (5%) and/or just concentrate on propecia.

I don't mean to freak you out. These are just my personal experiences. Lots of people on these boards have shed and then regrew - I guess I just wasn't lucky. Either way, it's generally accepted that most hairloss products are much more potent on the crown than the hairline so you're doing well even if you manage to halt hair loss.

Hope this helps!


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thanks for the input, so do you believe the catalyst was the minoxidil or the dutasteride? 15% minoxidil sounds pretty strong, maybe that contributed. Anyway, sorry to hear about that. Do you recommend starting propecia if I just want to protect my hairline right now, which is pretty much in tact.


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I think at the moment my hair has shed due to the aggression of the minoxidil I'm using. The frustrating thing is not knowing whether it will shed and regrow or if the solution is too strong.

Most definitely the dutasteride made my hair worse even in the short time I was on it. It's extremely aggressive stuff and a lot of people on here have had bad experiences with it (although it has helped some).

I would advise you to get on propecia. It's better for crown loss but will definitely help your hair overall. This with maybe 5% regaine foam for the hairlne in probably the best way to go.