Shedding at month 7 1/2 ARRGGHHHH!!!


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I am going nuts! I have been on propecia for 7 1/2 months and the last 10 days I have been shedding like a dog!

I was shedding like crazy for a couple of months in the beginning of treatment - then my loss stopped for a couple of months ago and now I'm shedding again!! A good 75 hairs when showering, towel drying, styling etc. AAAAAAARRRGGHHHHHHHHHH!

Is this normal? I've heard about people going through a shed around this time but when could I possible expect to bounch back up??!

Thanks guys!

Molecular Help

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Oh man, 7 1/2 months! Thats way to late to be shedding!
You're screwed, finasteride has lost its efficacy! That's ok though- it's balding that sucks, not actually being bald.


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i hope that guy was either joking (wasn't funny) or just being an ***....ive deff read about people still shedding at month 9....hope everythin turns out alright for u man

Molecular Help

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Sorry dude but I'm surprised you would make a post like you did! I would think that after being a part of this forum for 4-5 months by now you wouldn't worry about shedding. This comes up with newbies so much, and everyone says "ride it out" because that's all you can do!!!! Maybe you won't recover, and maybe you will. How can any of us balding men sitting at homes at our computer tell you? The only sure thing is you're better off on finasteride than not. Everything else varies in every case.



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I know I know...shedding is normal etc. I've seen it before...

I know I've been a member for a while now here and I know the obvious answers to this question - what I was looking for with this thread was to get the experience from other members to compare with my own situation (again, I know I know everybody's different...)

One reason for this forum is to share experiece isn't it?

Molecular Help

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PartTimeNinja said:
One reason for this forum is to share experiece isn't it?

I totally understand dude. I know what you're doing- just cause I couldn't help but be sarcastic doesn't mean I don't understand.

I'm sure you've run across people saying that "finasteride synchronizes hair cycles", which in theory explains why using finasteride causes a roller coaster effect in perceived treatment success in some people. You shed a lot of hair in a short period, then it often comes back looking better, only to get shitty again a few months later. Is this what's happening to you??

You said it yourself man. No one can tell you.

Molecular Help

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tynanW said:
Molecular Help, time for your hairloss holiday?

A holiday for hair loss? Are you mad? A day to celebrate and commemorate hair loss? A veritable Guy Fawkes day (penny for the old guy) for blokes and birds with alopecia? I'll have all my mates over to my flat and get pissed all in the name of our good friend hair loss. It'll be f*****g quality.

f*** off with your holiday- what I need is a bloody vacation!!!


Moleculour Assistance


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does anybody else have anything to share?

MH, you are right about one thing: I has been a roller coaster ride without a doubt! And what a ride it has been!


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I'm getting kinda tired of people telling people the same thing over and over again... Like MH said, if you've been on finasteride for 7.5 months then you probably know the ins and outs of this forum, and if you haven't read at least ONE of the 900 posts about shedding early OR late in the game, and how you're supposed to ride it out, then what have you been doing here all this time?

Did you come here for reassurance? Maybe you thought some faceless anonymous internet users in a similar predicament to yours could give you some reassurance? I just don't get it anymore...


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I don't know if anyone on this board has asked more questions about shedding than you have. So, while you have a point, don't you think it's just a little hypocritical coming from you?
Then again, you could even say it in a nice way. The ninja means no harm.


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Okay, you want reassurance? You got it!

Since your only 7 months in, you have no doubt had the first big shed that most experience, this is simply the second. Mine came 6 months in and lasted about three weeks. It was pretty hairy ! boom boom. Crap joke aside everything that fell out grew back bigger and better.

Also remember your shed has probably coincided with the seasonal shed that comes with the seasonal change... so maybe your also getting hit by a double shed?

Chill, this is normal. :D

Molecular Help

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Reassurance might be useful in the short term, but I think it's more important to just not worry about shedding! Because:

1. Sheds tell you nothing! There's no value in paying attention to amount of hair you lose!
2. There's a million different reasons for sheds! Some of you guys are so shed-paranoid that you're afraid of finasteride, minoxidil, or cu-peptides. But all these treatments work! Results talk... sheds walk!!!
3. Monitoring your hair loss can only cause stress. Are you honestly that happy if you aren't losing as much hair per day but your hair doesn't look any different? That's just the normal state of being, ESPECIALLY over the short term (a few weeks or a few months). Whereas, if you have a few days where you have hair coming out every time you touch your head, it's going to bother you! It ain't worth it!



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My shedding problems weren't 7.5 months in. 7.5 months is plenty of time to read and hear the copious amounts of repetitive and nearly identical shedding posts. Notice I'm not even @ 5 months, and I'm definitely not freaking out about a shed. OMG IM GOING BALD ALL MY HAIRS FALLING OUT.


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Deaner you can't honestly be serious! Take a step back in time and read the previous posts you have made and then come back and tell me you have not made crazy repetitive posts? I'm not having a go at you here but just find it amusing that you are the one who replies like you do.

I do know this question has been asked before (and god forbid it will ever be asked again with such a heavy response!) but you all know we are mentally fragile about our hairloss (I guess that's why we are all here in the first place) and I just need to hear from other people experiencing the same thing - mostly to draw some conclusions to my own situation.

To all of you thanks for replying (and putting me back in place!)


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hahaha, I know, I know :) But we all change, I realize the error of my ways, and maybe it was a bit rash of me to make the post I did, I was in a HORRIBLE mood when I made that post. I can't honestly 100% defend or justify the post I made, and I apologize for sounding like an arrogant, elitist a**h**. Shedding is nerve-wracking, no matter what stage of the game you're in, and no matter how many times people tell you otherwise, you're gonna worry because hairloss in general messes with your head. Not a fun situation! Good luck beating your shed, you'll come out of it with a better head of hair I'm sure :)


Also when man play with cóck el balls, can make hair also shed, maybe you think reason of shed is prasobilly you have became homsexual?

I can no say, I am not doctor, I work with pig, on farm.


(asspaligies my english is a translator)