Shedding bout while not on meds


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Hi all, well Im new here...all I've got is my own "story" thread somewhere. I've yet to start a regime, its something that I've just started looking into getting into.

Now although Im 18 I already have a mature hairline after 2 odd years of hair loss...but now it seems to be differant.

Litterally everytime I pull my fingers through my hair, hairs come out, about 10 or so hairs come out whenever I brush..and even more when I shower..and I can literally pull hairs from my scalp..its like they're just flaking off my head, from my fringe and from the top and back of my head.

is this a normal stage of hairloss or could it be something else?


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Hard to say I have a very similar problem its like that for me too. See a dermatologist and see what he/she says and report back here so others can find out.


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yea am planning on it...just its annoying as Im being affecting by MBP..but now this has come along and not sure if it is something else


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Well hey all, for an update it seems to be getting worse, my scalp is always itchy as hell and after a shower today literally hundreds of hairs came yea...abit worried. Going to try and book a dem appointment soon but will take a while as have just moved house and need to change the surgury I go too.

Anyone else had anything similar or heard of anything of the sort before? any help or anything would really help.

As I said before Im currently on No meds whatsoever for anything. No big nothing..has just come out of the blue. Was going to start propicia..but then this came up.

so yea...anyone?


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Its hard to say. loosing hair at your age is not unheard of but its pretty uncommon, when i was in high school there was a kid with a comb over. Do you have a family history of hair loss? what age did they start loosing it? Most of the guys in my family start loosing their hair around their early to mid 20's and thats when i did. so if you have a genetic component that could certainly be one potential cause for your hair loss. However just because you have a family history of male pattern baldness does not necessarily mean that its the cause of your particular problem. Stress, surgery, certain medications, Problems with your thyroid and other medical conditions can all be other causes of hair loss. If i were you i would make getting into a dermatologist a priority to figure out what is causing this. Remember the longer you wait to do this the more hair you are going to potentially loose. you could get rogaine but if its not male pattern baldness causing this then you just wasted money.