Shedding Conspiracy?


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It seems like there are plenty of male pattern baldness patients who report "MASSIVE" shedding post propecia and/or minoxidil. However, from the doctors that I have met both offline and online, all of them say that they have NEVER NEVER had any patients who went through shedding without ruling out the possibility. I would like to know why such a dramatic difference in observation/opinion in post treatment shedding between the doctors and patients.

Doctors seem to be implying that there are small # of patients who go online and spread grossly exaggerated negative post-treatment experience under multiple forum and mulitple usernames.....

I would doubt that doctors who are under Hippocrates Oath would so blatantly contradict or deny massive shedding and any other post-treatment side effects.

Are those who report MASSIVE shedding or accelerated hair thinning or loss simply those who gave up the treatment too early and ranting online? Such rants can scare a lot of patients away from propecia and/or minoxidil.


Good responders to finasteride will not be on the Internet ranting, and those are the majority, otherwise mark wouldent be so rich and succsesfull, even if your a small percentage, if you make enough noise it will look like your the majority, from what I sew aggressive hairloss patients responded the best, slow male pattern baldness type had big shedding


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This is from Dr. Bernstein's site:

During the first six months you may note some thinning of your existing hair. This may be due to either progression of your hair loss before finasteride has had a chance to work or some shedding of miniaturized hair that makes way for the new healthy anagen hair to grow. It is important to be patient during this period. You should continue the medication for at least one year before you and your doctor can assess its benefits.


I've been on it (minoxidil) for 3 weeks and have not noticed any shedding as of yet. I'm just losing hair like I normally do.