Shedding! Don't know what to do anymore


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Hey there guys,

Not sure if I should post this as a ''hairloss story'' or ''hairloss discussion'' but I hope this is right!
I've been losing my hair since I was 18-19 years old (atleast then I noticed it). We looked through everything but we couldn't find a solution for it.
Currently I'm 23 years old and I had my second hair transplant (3500 grafts) last july. The first one was in 2013 and was about 1500 grafts.
After that transplant I was done with it. It gave me a lot of stress because for this one I had to be shaven bald and I didn't like the look of it...
So I went and got some Rogaine 5% that I've been using and some Saw Palmetto with it. Also I'm using that Keto shampoo from Revita to stop further hair loss.
The thing is. I've been shedding like hell for the last 1-2 months and barely see any regrowth. Even the transplant takes it's time....
During the day I don't lose that much hair but when I rub my hands through it with Rogaine or every morning when I style and wash it with some water I lose loads!

So to sum it up real quick:

-2 hair transplants, total of about 5000 grafts. Area 1-2, a bit of 3. (2nd one since july (5 months))
-Rogaine 5% since mid august (exactly 4 months tomorrow)
-Saw Palmetto, 2-3 weeks (finasteride gave me some probs under the belt, mood swings and a depression. Quit after 1-2 months)
-Toppik, this has been my best friend and enemy for 3 years
-Revita Shampoo 2-3 times a week

So that's what I'm having right now. I see myself having more trouble to style my hair and I have to use more toppik I think to compensate for it...

I really need some help/advice on what to do right now.

Also, sorry for the messy, hastey post. I'm at my internship right now and stressing out like hell bc of everything.

Thanks in advance!


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My Regimen
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I was against Propecia, but just saw dr haber. He said i dont have enough hair loss to get a transplant, but get on Propecia. He said very low side effects and it truly works. He himself has taken it for 16 yrs and his own son for 4 yrs. That showed me it must be safe. I too was doing thes aw palmetto type, "natural" regime. nutrafol, viviscal other dht blockers. And my god did i want it to work! It became my obsession when i first noticed hair loss. But it just didnt and was on it! I mean everyday... Everything i did was for my hair. Diet, exercise, nutra bullet everyday. My hair supplements everday. 2 years i did this. It just got worse. I thought wtf else can i do Propecia !!! Haha almost cant believe im on it. Just started yesterday lol so i guess the moral of all this dont waste time if you want your hair get to derm and start Propecia also dr haber they dont shave heads to do transplant so idk why they did that to you after i just wrote all that i just realized you said you tried finasteride... F#ck idk man i tied everything natural nothing worked. And i had like no hair loss. I thought if any of this works it should work for someone like me


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It is hard to say much without photos but you may need to get on finasteride to save your hair. With all of the things you are trying I assume you know what it is and what side effects it might have. You can start with a small dose per day to see how you react before going all in.


My Regimen
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sleep 8 hours day . reduce meat intake. overdose EGCg anti oxidant. topical finsteride. Hope it helps mate.

not to forget, stress for me important factor.


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sleep 8 hours day . reduce meat intake. overdose EGCg anti oxidant. topical finsteride. Hope it helps mate.

not to forget, stress for me important factor.

Hey Bro, already noticed something!
Now I basically got a christmas break and I manage to sleep 8 hours a day, the stress levels are lower for sure.
Also started masturbating again (they said it caused hair loss but see no difference when I quite for 2-3 months) to reduce stress.
Yesterday there were no hairs on my hand. This morning there were about 50.
The thing is, I don't know if I'm shedding or not. During the day I see like 0 hairs dropping and falling out. There is not a single hair on my pillow either.
It could be that they don't fall out because of the toppik and the toppik spray that keeps it all together.

But what is topical finasteride and where can I get it?