Shedding for 7 Months Now - Thanks Avodart


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I've been experiencing severe shedding all over my scalp including the sides and back of my head. My conclusion was that this is Telogen Effluvium. The shedding up top has decreased over the past 2 weeks or so and I feel little pricks of hairs coming back. However the back of my head still sheds like crazy.

My regimen was dutasteride eod 0.5mg for 12 months. In february of this yr, month 13 I switched to brand name Avodard 0.5mg and upped it to everyday instead of 2-3x per week. Ever since then I have been shedding extremely bad. This past month I decreased my dose to 2x per week 0.5mg.

I also use nizoral 2% 2-3x per week.

The first 12 months of use with dutasteride my crown filled in nicely and it all went away and worse than I first started too. Now I ordered and recieved rogaine foam (morning dose) and Xandrox Plus (because of its potency of minoxidil - for nightly usage), and spironolactone 5% cream. I'm going add all this to my regimen in hopes to regain what I lost. I am also ordering RU58841.

I want to note that I understand Telogen Effluvium can occur when your hormones become out of whack suddenly. I have not worked out since July of 2009. Those who see me literally think I'm decieving them but telling them I don't work out. I look in shape again, my chest and arms look solid and big like I use to work out. My interpretation of this would be that the name brand avodart was not only more potent than generic but I had also upped my intake of the drug as well. This likely raised my test levels through the roof giving me nearly steroid like effects. And steroids which cause increase in test levels also cause Telogen Effluvium and/or male pattern baldness to accelerate. If this is the case, can and will i regain what hairs I lost?


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Although no responses I'll still make an addition comment: Today is like day 3 or 4 since xandrox 15 plus and rogaine foam. My shedding came to a halt!!!
I emailed dr lee about this and he said though it is possible, it is the first time he's heard of such a phenomenon. WoW :woot: