shedding from finasteride


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I was a little confused about how finasteride would cause a shed. If finasteride prevents DHT from attaching to the hair what is actually causing the shed?

I know this probaly seems like a basic question but I was just unsure


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I think the reason you haven't gotten an answer to this is, in part, because "Finasteride sheddding" isn't an official side effect, and certainly not a ubiquitously shared phenomenon. The other reason would be that I don't think people are confident in even calling it a shedding phase related to Finasteride, because no one can explain, physiologically, how it's happening. I don't think it's like minoxidil where the weak hairs get tossed out because the pores found better ones.

I'm personally of the opinion, being in the middle of month 2 since I started Finasteride and still progressively shedding, and despite whatever else I've been throwing at it, that the "shedding" is just a natural progression of our male pattern baldness that doesn't see any effect until the finasteride kicks in, and that enough people mistake this as a result of their drug, attributing it to the finasteride, where really it's just their male pattern baldness because DHT levels haven't hit their low yet, and hair cycles haven't hit regrowth phase yet.

Remember the hair you're losing now could have been programmed to come out as far back as 90 days ago, so depending on where your cycle is, you may not see male pattern baldness shedding stop for three months, and often longer depending on the person.