Shedding from Rogaine??


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Sorry i'm sure you guys have heard this one before. I've posted this in the rogaine section as well. suppose i'm freakin a bit and i'm looking for some opinions.

I've been using foam since june (nearly 6 months). i use it along the hairline and in patches of the front of my head.

it truly seems as if the areas in which i've applied the foam have really taken a turn for the worse. things have really thinned out.

so in my mind there's a few things that could be happening-

1. this has nothing to do with rogaine and it's just the natural progression.

2. rogaine is somehow expelling hairs that eventually were goners anyhow.

3. rogaine is friggin' destroying my hair for some reason.

anybody else dealing with something like this?? basically i don't know if i should continue with my rogaine, because either way it's not working out thus far.

thanks guys, for any help you can offer.