shedding from scalp condition


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Ok this may just be in my head (no pun intended) or it may just be the balding, but I am beggining to think that my severely itchy/flaky scalp is contributing to much of my shedding and subsequent baldness. i mean the itching is sometimes impossible to ignore, and when i scratch my scalp sometimes either tiny salt-like grains come out or a waxy substance, along with a lot of hair

im using nizoral every few days and ive tried T sal and all that stuff without much success. if anyone know what the hell this is or how to deal with it, ide love to hear from them


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I don't think that's impossible actually. Hair loss can be caused by inflammation and worsened my mechanical damage such as scratching or rubbing constantly.

It sound like you may have something more severe than normal dandruff & itching, so go to a GP not a forum, whilst we experiment a lot very few of us have had proper medical training! It could be an infection or an allergy that'll be easily cleared up with the right treatment- I hope it is!

If not, then you're back to the standbys of:

Zinc Pyrithione

There are others, but some aren't meant to be good for people with hair loss?

To stop the itching the best thing I've found is Nivea sensitive after-shave balm. I get shaving rash quite regularly and so always have some, and once when my scalp itching from minoxidil got bad enough I was desperate enough to try it, and it felt SO good!


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Same here.I dont have much shedding in the male pattern baldness prone areas, but only in those where it itches. Its like the more i sweat, the more is the itch and more is the hair loss. What to do??


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I think being hot increases blood-flow and therefore the amount of irritation that occurrs in an area already prone to irritation.

Whether the irritation itself or the scratching does the most damage I don't know (and everyone scratches a little, even in their sleep- I couldn't believe I woke up the other day scraching my head! :( ). But either way it can't be a good thing.

Moonsin did you have any luck stopping the itching?


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try to clean your scalp 2x/day with warm water or cold water.

when i begin journey with finasteride. before i had a severe itch on male pattern baldness prone areas now no more itch....


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Use the shampoo clear
I KNOW its just an ordinary shampoo you find at the market. but i swear i had such an itchy scalp, and it worked wonders!