shedding from stress or shedding from nizoral?


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Over the past 2 months I feel like my hair has gotten a lot worse and i feel like it looks a lot shittier. It seems like I am shedding again and each individual hair def seems thinner... after using minoxidil my hair used to be like a brillo pad but now it feels silky and thin.

I have been under emotional stress and I have had many a nights where I did not sleep as long as I could have and felt like crap the next day (like 4 hrs sleep). I started using Nizoral as well.

Been on finasteride and minoxidil for prob about 3 years now and I really feel like I havent had any bad sheds and have been maintaining up until this point.

Hope it gets better.


New Member
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in periods when i have stress i lose much more hair. also in the autumn it gets worse. nizoral has only made it better for me.


Experienced Member
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Beleve it or not nizoral can cause hair loss, it even says so in the side effects section. My opinion is nizoral, as the least important of the big 3, isn't essential. If you feel it's making your hair worse then stop and if you do use it don't over use it (eg no more then every 4 days max).


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In my experience, Nizoral is crap shampoo. There are other keto shampoos that are a lot better imo.
When i only used other keto shampoo, it would actually stop shedding for a couple of days, then sheds again.