shedding hairs have changed, does this mean anything?


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i've been losing my hair rapidly for 2 years (ish). i'm one month on finasteride and about to start minoxidil. i used to run my fingers through my hair and get long thick hairs coming out, healthy ones. now i get substantially less hairs comming out, and they are only small thin ones that don't grow longer than an inch or so and are clearly falling out already.

does this mean anything?


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dietcola said:
i've been losing my hair rapidly for 2 years (ish). i'm one month on finasteride and about to start minoxidil. i used to run my fingers through my hair and get long thick hairs coming out, healthy ones. now i get substantially less hairs comming out, and they are only small thin ones that don't grow longer than an inch or so and are clearly falling out already.

does this mean anything?

I have only been on finasteride for a week but I notice the same thing. I do see hairs falling out, but only these week thin ones, and yes, they are about 1 inch max (maybe 1/2 inch usually).

Also, the insane itching in my temple hairloss region has stopped.

I am no doctor, but I pray this means that my weak DHT depleted hairs are falling out so that healthy ones can take their place, and that the healthy hairs are not falling out because less DHT is attacking them.


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dietcola said:
i've been losing my hair rapidly for 2 years (ish). i'm one month on finasteride and about to start minoxidil. i used to run my fingers through my hair and get long thick hairs coming out, healthy ones. now i get substantially less hairs comming out, and they are only small thin ones that don't grow longer than an inch or so and are clearly falling out already.

does this mean anything?

I used to think that the really small hairs coming out were just breakages... Dont know for sure but I know women complain about this all the time lol


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they can't be broken hairs, because at the end they get smaller and pointy, as in they have never been broken or cut.


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dietcola said:
they can't be broken hairs, because at the end they get smaller and pointy, as in they have never been broken or cut.

Definatly not broken hairs. Mine are pointy at the end too.


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Its funny I noticed a similar thing. My hair is normally straight. The hairs that fall have weird bends in them. Like they will bend hard at 90 degrees and then again at 90. Has anyone else seen this.


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WorldofWarcraft said:
I am no doctor, but I pray this means that my weak DHT depleted hairs are falling out so that healthy ones can take their place, and that the healthy hairs are not falling out because less DHT is attacking them.

The same thing happens in progressive loss, the small ones would fall out to be replaced by even smaller and weaker hairs in that case. All you can do is wait, unless there's some way you can tell from looking at the falling hairs, which I don't think there is. I'm losing hairs of all different lengths and thicknesses at the front of my head and I'd assume it means it's all going to come back in even more pathetic form, but I guess if you want to be optimistic you could say that it means they will all come back fatter.


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barnabas said:
WorldofWarcraft said:
I am no doctor, but I pray this means that my weak DHT depleted hairs are falling out so that healthy ones can take their place, and that the healthy hairs are not falling out because less DHT is attacking them.

The same thing happens in progressive loss, the small ones would fall out to be replaced by even smaller and weaker hairs in that case. All you can do is wait, unless there's some way you can tell from looking at the falling hairs, which I don't think there is. I'm losing hairs of all different lengths and thicknesses at the front of my head and I'd assume it means it's all going to come back in even more pathetic form, but I guess if you want to be optimistic you could say that it means they will all come back fatter.

I am optimistic because I am on the big 3. Also, when I just started finastride alone I noticed the insane "just under the skin" itching feeling that drove me nuts in the regions that I was losing hair went away. My head is no longer inflamed. Now that I'm on nizoral, WOW, my scalp has never felt so good. No more flaking, no more grease, no more itching, no more soreness.

p.s. I'd wager that somewhere around 9/10 of the success stories come with a "I went through a huge shed first."


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I've been losing ground rapidly still after over 2 mths on theory crucial point for most should be 3mths as replacement hairs for those pushed out by finasteride changing hair cycle come in. Most of my lost hairs now seem to be thin ones or short miniturised us all hope these will be replaced by decent terminal hairs...will know in next few months...


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LOL man, i noticed the exact same thing yesterday.... on hair felt into the sink and was like a stairway 90deg one side , then 90deg. the other side.
The hair was like three inch at the most with with approx 25 90deg bend.
I was so surprised that i took it in my hand to show to my wife and children. We had a good laugh

jj_24 said:
Its funny I noticed a similar thing. My hair is normally straight. The hairs that fall have weird bends in them. Like they will bend hard at 90 degrees and then again at 90. Has anyone else seen this.


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grabber said:
I was so surprised that i took it in my hand to show to my wife and children. We had a good laugh

haha :p