Shedding healthy thick hairs?


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I've been on finsasteride for almost 2 months and on rogaine liquid for over 1 month, and my hair still looks thin (as is to be expected this early). I can't tell if I'm shedding or not, because I've been losing lots of hairs for years, they get caught on things, tangled and end up on clothes, couches etc. I'm not noticing any miniature hairs, but maybe I wouldn't anyway due to my hair colour, they would be quite hard to see. But I'm still losing terminal hairs. Should this be the case? Does shedding affect all hairs or just miniaturised hairs? Getting worried now, I'm trying to stay optimistic, but my hair looks like crap now when wet, and when dry it's starting to show my scalp.

The first pictures my hair was a little bit damp. The last one it was dry and combed for better coverage. It looks better when combed, it covers more area. I bought some nanogen, but when I use the spray my hair clumps and it looks worse, and it keeps going on my scalp where the hair parts giving an orange scalp colour...


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1) Yes, it is way early to tell if it's working. You need to give both treatments at least a year to tell if it's working or not, although some see regrowth even in the first couple of months. I guess this is very individual and how good of a responder you are. Some see results at 3 months, others at the one year mark and some even later. But not everyone is a great responder and will get regrowth. If you are lucky you can hold onto what hair you have longer, and slow or even stop the hair loss. Consider that a victory if you make it :)

2) Both Rogaine and Finasteride can give an initial shed which lasts a couple weeks but for some longer. Did you notice your hair shedding more for a period after starting treatment? It can be a sign it's working (as they like to say). But if you have been shedding for years and not noticed any increase in shedding it's probably just your normal shed.

3) You are not likely to see miniaturised hairs unless you look for them. I usually stand in front of the mirror in daylight, part my hair and press it down to the scalp so the little hairs are sticking up. Then I see a whole bunch of them. I know they are miniaturised because they look thinner than my terminal hair (and terminal regrowth) and can be plucked from the scalp easily. Miniaturised hairs lack color no matter what your hair color is, btw. Which makes them hard to see and not give a full coverage to the hair.

4) Everyone loses hair, even the people who are not going bald can lose up to 150 hairs a day without it being a problem. What makes a problem is when the regrowth cannot keep up with the shedding (like in Telogen Effluvium), or what grows back in MBP areas is miniaturised hairs that will not give proper coverage. Shedding is normal and affects all hairs, though I don't know if the "rogaine shed" will only happen where you apply it or if it has a systemic effect. I guess since finasteride is oral it has a systemic effect. Anyway what grows back and the quality of it is way more important than the shed, although getting the shed down does slow the hair loss. Maybe it will wear off for you, or there is some other reason you are shedding. Maybe a deficiency or something.

Good luck :)


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Holding on to what I have would be tolerable, but I wouldn't exactly be happy with this being the best my hair will ever be. Slowing down means nothing. I want maintenance and regrowth, nothing less.

I think it may be a little normal than a normal shed, it's hard to say tbh. If I was a betting man, I'd say yes, I think it is a bit more than the normal shed (or fall due to pulling, breaking, combing, washing etc) I've been experiencing for years, but it's really hard to say how much more... I can't see any obvious miniature hairs, where my hair is thinning, but that's on top of my head, not exactly easy for me to check. I went to a hair loss specialist who took photos for miniaturisation, so I will at least have something to compare to when I go back in 5 months.

Shedding is pretty heartbreaking, but I can take it if it means what grows back, comes back thicker I'm just terrified it might not.


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Some tips for you since you are just starting out.
1: Buy a boar bristle brush and hit your full thinning area with it prior to minoxidil application.
2. Use more minoxidil that you think for should(I drench my entire coverage area). It will ensure you use enough and for me acts as a hair styling cream(saves me money)
3. If you really want regrowth you could look into experimental treatments. Some are low cost to free. For instance see the derma roller thread on this forum(1.5mm derma roller inserted all the way in on whole coverage area untill bleeding 1/week). Also scalp massage may help(also in derma roller thread) You will know the thread when you see it, it has like 179 pages of pasts lol

- - - Updated - - -

also if you dont already Nizoral shampoo makes my hair look/feel fuller for some reason and also helps with maintaining and regrowth because of the keto in it. (its one of the big 3)


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Cheers Agahi

Why a boar bristle brush? I already comb and part my hair prior to application, and with the dropper I get it on my scalp, though a lot gets on my hair too as it spreads out. I only use it once a day, but I use somewhere around 4 ml when I do and I do make sure I cover my enture thinning area and temple area. I use liquid though, the foam wouldn't get past my hair, thinning though it is. Styling products make my hair clump, which makes it look worse.
I'ver heard about dermaroller... I'm deathly afraid of needles, but if it means success, I could do it once a week... Do you really think that these treatments alone won't provide regrowth results? I keep reading so many topics from people who have moderate to good regrowth, and my brother did too, although he has very different hair type, colour and genes to me...

I already use nizoral, have for over 10 years, ususally 1-2x a week. Whenever I go off it I get bad dandruff, but it's done nothing for hair loss since I was using it prior to losing my hair


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Boar bristle is to make sure no topical buildup on scalp. I dunno if its necessary but it has a thickening effect for me and cant hurt. For the foam vrs liquid. I used to have very long hair and how I did it was to part my hair in several places and apply a real **** ton each area. The reason I used the foam was the the liquid made my hair greasy looking and took way to long to dry creating an even thinner look to it. Whereas the foam after quickly drying and a short toweling or oar brushing made my hair look much thicker. just something to consider. I probably used double the normal amount of minoxidil back then.

You could very well get regrowth with the big 3 if you are a good responder. Many have, and you caught it fairly early which is a good thing. My philosophy is to go for it with experimental things especially if its free or nearly free (derma roller, massage, weird eyebrow exercise and boar bristle brush) because it cant hurt ya know.

I cannot stand the sight of blood and with the derma roller I def draw blood. I nutted up and did it and I feel it is helping, so will continue for a bit.

Anyway good luck and keep informed :)


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Ok, thanks again man! I'll order a dermaroller with my next minoxidil shipment from amazon (spectral uhp gone from £28-40 in just two weeks?!). No reason not to go all out, and I suppose it is only once a week from what I've read. I already start with an afro comb for the knots, then a fine cylindical brush to finish off, so not sure I need the boar bristle brush...

Much appreciation for all the advice and info guys