Shedding in shower


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Hey guys, Im just interested to know on average how many hair do you guys shed in the shower. Personally, I did not count my hair pre male pattern baldness, so I do not have a gauge of what is normal for me. Thus I am hoping to draw on your experiences,

I normally shed about 20-40 hair in the shower, and I made sure I count every hair lol. Odd thing is, I do not lose hair when I comb, at most about 8 strands. Neither do I see any hair on my pillow when I wake up. Thus I have no idea whether my shedding is excessive....

Oh yea, I seem to be shedding less hair ever since I started finasteride/Nizoral about 10 days ago.


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I ususally shed around 20 to 30 hairs in the shower. I never see hardly any hairs shed on my pillow or when combing. I think it all depends on how severe your M.B.P is. I think mine is thinning at a very slow rate, so the shedding is not very excessive. nizoral and finasteride will will eventually reduce shedding. But 10 days is pretty early, but who knows.


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Any one else has anything to add? I am kinda scared by people who are freaked out when they lose 20 hair in the shower, cos if 20 hair is bad then mine must be a lot worse....

So does shower shedding differ for different people or is there like a normal amount of hair shed?


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When I first suspected my hair was thinning I began counting hairs in the shower and it would always seem to average out at about 20 or so hairs... This was very, very early on, though. As I felt my hair getting thinner, this number began to balloon out to 50 and eventually 80-100 hairs. Mind you, by the time I was losing close to 100 in the shower everyday, my hair was quite long. After starting finasteride, the number dropped to 70 and then fluctuated between 70-40 hairs... After I got my hair cut shorter, the number went back down to between 20-30. Mind you, with product, my hair still looks quite thick... Although, if inspected under direct light, you can see it is starting to diffuse a little bit.

I think shedding is largely dependent on how aggressive your male pattern baldness is, where your hair is at in its cycle, what medication you're taking and for how long you've been taking it.


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Around 3 months ago when my hairloss started (which was almost overnight - i think it may be Telogen Effluvium), i was loosing around 100-150 hairs in the shower. This was a massive shock! To go from not noticing anything to all of a sudden having hund fulls of hair was quite destressing. The loss has since slowed to around 40-50 hairs. But this is why i now think it could possibly be an aggressive onset of male pattern baldness? Any thoughts?


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Man, I easily had 15 hairs in my hands everytime i lathered my head up. Then I would rinse my hands and massage my head again and another 15 hairs or so would be in my hands. A few months after starting finasteride, I see maybe one hair in my hands when I massage and shampoo my head.


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Yeah Nene, that sound like what i'm experiencing currently. Everytime i rinse me hair, hands, another 15 or so hairs will appear. So have you only been on finasteride for a few months and it's already working?

I've been prescribed finasteride by a doctor so i have a box here. But then my derm said it was Telogen Effluvium. So i'm so confused now!


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confusedaboutthis said:
Yeah Nene, that sound like what i'm experiencing currently. Everytime i rinse me hair, hands, another 15 or so hairs will appear. So have you only been on finasteride for a few months and it's already working?

I've been prescribed finasteride by a doctor so i have a box here. But then my derm said it was Telogen Effluvium. So i'm so confused now!

I've been on finasteride for over a year but I noticed hairs stopped falling out in the shower just a few months into taking it. Sounds like you better make sure if you have male pattern baldness or Telogen Effluvium before you start finasteride.


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Nene said:
confusedaboutthis said:
Yeah Nene, that sound like what i'm experiencing currently. Everytime i rinse me hair, hands, another 15 or so hairs will appear. So have you only been on finasteride for a few months and it's already working?

I've been prescribed finasteride by a doctor so i have a box here. But then my derm said it was Telogen Effluvium. So i'm so confused now!

I've been on finasteride for over a year but I noticed hairs stopped falling out in the shower just a few months into taking it. Sounds like you better make sure if you have male pattern baldness or Telogen Effluvium before you start finasteride.

On finasteride for 5 weeks but shedding still seems the same. About 30-50 hair per shower.