Shedding + itch


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In December last year, I started to experience a shed along with the itch and this strange crawling feeling, which in turn has left my front hairline a little messed up. Currently on 100mg of Ru everyday, have missed a couple of days due to going away on holidays.

But my question is, with a drastic shed, I take it if the hair does come back it'll be thinner and worse than before, but does it come back if the itch has subsided?


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In December last year, I started to experience a shed along with the itch and this strange crawling feeling, which in turn has left my front hairline a little messed up. Currently on 100mg of Ru everyday, have missed a couple of days due to going away on holidays.

But my question is, with a drastic shed, I take it if the hair does come back it'll be thinner and worse than before, but does it come back if the itch has subsided?

No one can answer this question with certainty. One thing I know from both personal experience and from the forums is that itching, burning, crawling, etc... is never a good sign. If it has been alleviated, that's great news. Whether the hair will come back depends on the individuals physiology, how severely they are impacted by male pattern baldness and whether or not the treatments are working. If you think about it - some 18 year olds lose hair and never grow it back. Some 35 year olds experience Telogen Effluvium, lose tons and tons of hair and grow it back immediately. It simply depends on your situation and will take time to determine the outcome. IF you lost a lot of hair in the male pattern baldness areas AND treatments don't work for you, then yes, it may struggle to come back, come back weaker and thinner or not at all.


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I thought that might have been the case. Wondering if there is a way to tell if RU actually is working, any tests that can be done to see if it actually binds to the AR.

I wouldn't mind starting minoxidil, but have heard to many bad stories of it just making you shed and never actually regrowing.