Shedding like a mofo!!

Mens Rea

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Im crazy shedding at the moment!! My crown especially, hair is just coming out for fun. Its beginning to look very sparse on my diffused head of hair.

Im still composed though - first of all i can see i can actually pull the look off not as bad as i feared. But that said, this is more a comfort than anything else.

Im on finasteride for 7 months now so im thinking this is a routine shed? I recall having a bad shed around months 2-4 and feel i recovered. Problem is ive since went off minoxidil for 2+ months so im worried this is the result of that?

I know noone will be able to tell me the answer to that question and i guess this puts me at my most vulnerable. I was intent on going back on minoxidil via nanominox but the clowns at sinere haven't had the decency to send it to me 3 weeks later!!

When i put my hand up around the crown and rub it a bit i can get 2-3 hairs out EVERY TIME. Does this sound like a minoxidil shed or a finasteride shed?

Lastly, does anyone know, if or when i return on minoxidil is there a chance i can regrow these hairs via rejuninated follicle stimulation of minoxidil (i mean, they wont die that fast!!)

All support welcome ;/

southern guy

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Why wouldnt the Propecia keep the hair Colin grew with minoxidill even though he dropped the minoxidil?Anybody have a guess?


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finfighter said:
Propecia (Finasteride), and Minoxidil, have two seperate methods of operation, finasteride reduces DHT, Minoxidil does not, Minoxidils method of action is not completley understood , however many people believe that minoxidil works by increasing circulation to the hair follicle. When you start taking Minoxidil some of your hair follicles will become dependant on the Minoxidil, and when you stop the Minoxidil those hair follicles will die, Finasteride will not save Minoxidil dependant hairs.

I think he was being sarcastic.

Sorry Colin, I don't really have an answer for you. Hopefully it's just a finasteride shed, I know I've had a couple of them.

southern guy

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Thanks for the response finfighter,not to hijack Colins thread,but one more question for ya.Ive been on Propecia and minoxidil for three months and had sucess in the crown area,problem is i have to drop the minoxidil due to sides,my question is,the new hair im seeing is soon to be gone?from what i have read Propecia doesnt work in three months so i will soon see those new hairs fall away is this correct?


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southern guy said:
Thanks for the response finfighter,not to hijack Colins thread,but one more question for ya.Ive been on Propecia and minoxidil for three months and had sucess in the crown area,problem is i have to drop the minoxidil due to sides,my question is,the new hair im seeing is soon to be gone?from what i have read Propecia doesnt work in three months so i will soon see those new hairs fall away is this correct?

When you stop minoxidil, the minoxidil dependent hairs will fall out. Propecia (finasteride) will not maintain the minoxidil-dependent hairs. Some of your hairs may have grown (are still growing) due to finasteride and some due to minoxidil. So, the shed could possibly be a minoxidil shed or a combination of both minoxidil and finasteride sheds.

I think this is what you're asking?

southern guy

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Basically what im getting at is,the new hair i see growing in the crown is from minoxidil?Ive read that Propecia would not act in three months,so my thinking is when i drop the minoxidil the hairs will soon be going too.Can Propecia be responsible for the new hair in just three months?

Mens Rea

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Southern Guy - 3 months is a short period of time for noticable regrowth on finasteride so that would make use dedude that in all likelyhood its the minoxidil that has stimulated the regrowth.

You get side effects? Maybe try using it just once a day (at night).

Mens Rea

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shed seemed to have slowed/down / stopped already. It was getting scarey there id say i lost 50 hairs in shower the other morning which is pretty devastating if that were to continue. I hope its just a cycle!

Anyway, either rightly or wrongly ive decided (probably knee-jerk) to go back on minoxidil. This time ive mixed finasteride tablets in with my minoxidil so that way atleast im getting something extra than i was getting before. Im still taking 1mg orally too.

Going to start vitamin b5 2000mg a day too