Shedding not on treatment?


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I have been shedding for about 3-4 months pretty rapidly roughly 40-50 hairs shed each time i washed my hair which was roughly everyday.had really thick hair in about August time.My hair has thinned the most at the temples and crown.been told by the doctor its male pattern baldness.I have ordered some finpecia as i feel i need to do something about it now sooner rather than later.But over the last week or so my shedding without treatment seems to off settled down.I wash my hair every other day and now get about 10-15 hairs shed so the loss has slowed down is this a sign off that as i have shed a lot over the last 3-4 months my hair has shed all its going to shed for the time being or is likely to go through another phase of heavy shedding.Sorry if this question may sound dumb to some of you but as im new to all of this i dont know how the shedding works.Im going to get on Finpecia as soon as it arrives to be on the safe side.


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Thanks for the reply :)
ive never really heard of seasonal shed.would that be the likely cause because from roughly middle August right through to now the shedding has been really rapid its resulted to diffused thinning some receeding and thinning at the crown.I washed my hair today and about 15-20 hairs was shed up until 10 days ago it was roughly 35-50 hairs.If this was male pattern baldness would i go from really thick hair to really thin in just 4 months. i had the relevent blood tests and thyroid etc was fine.Also i have been under a lot of stress earlier in the year through berevment.could that be a factor.


Mickey said:
Thanks for the reply :)
ive never really heard of seasonal shed.would that be the likely cause because from roughly middle August right through to now the shedding has been really rapid its resulted to diffused thinning some receeding and thinning at the crown.I washed my hair today and about 15-20 hairs was shed up until 10 days ago it was roughly 35-50 hairs.If this was male pattern baldness would i go from really thick hair to really thin in just 4 months. i had the relevent blood tests and thyroid etc was fine.Also i have been under a lot of stress earlier in the year through berevment.could that be a factor.

Yeah it could be stress, but hair can put up with a lot of sh*t. People do shed hair due to changing of the seasons. It will grow back though. From what you say the shedding is now reducing from 35-50 down to 15-20.

Have a read of this...

I think it may ease your mind as it does cooincide with a seasonal shed from what you have said. But just in case, go and see a derm to see if they can diagnose something other than that.


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many thanks for your help traxdata :)
i have just washed my hair and the shedding has gone up again to 50+ :-x just waiting for the finpecia to arrive now.


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Lastnight my scalp was burning like f*** so i guessed more or less i would be in for a big shed :roll:


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Something to remember, we all lose/shed naturally 100 or so hairs a day.
I have had bunches of hair come out in the shower since i was 19. I am 33 now, and I am just starting to get to a norwood 1-1.3


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Ive just looked in the mirror and pulled back what fringe ive got left and noticed about 7 new hairs coming through so looks like it could be seasonal shed:)


Seasonal hair shedding

We, and much of the mammalian world, have two main shed seasons. The biggest shed occurs in early autumn and a smaller one in spring. Essentially we are replacing our summer coats with winter coats. Perhaps the best example is the arctic fox that sheds a pigmented summer coat and replaces it with a white coat (camouflage) for winter conditions. Much of the research on seasonal shedding and hair regrowth is conducted with mink (some studies from Australia on sheep and goats too). Researchers have looked at prolactin and melatonin levels among other factors as a potential regulator of the changes in hair growth. Giving mink melatonin, or reducing exposure to daylight, promotes shedding of the summer coat and the onset of the winter anagen growth stage. Possibly it is a similar situation for humans where changes in daylight hours modify the melatonin secretion rate from the pineal gland and this in turn affects hormones and/or their receptors in the skin.

The shed cycle in humans has not been investigated in much detail, but a few studies from the UK demonstrate the seasonal shed cycles. Although there is an increase in shedding during spring and fall, the number of hairs shed still falls within the generally recognized limits of 50 to 100 hairs a day. So in spring and fall the daily shed rate may be closer to 100 hairs a day and in summer and late winter the typical shed rate is closer to 50 hairs a day. However, the average rate of shedding does vary from person to person. Some people can be high shedders, but also have high rates of hair growth and replacement so they have no net hair loss. To understand your own seasonal hair shedding it is better to compare the hair shed rate in spring/fall to summer/winter within yourself rather than compare it to other people. Whether there are still seaonal shed cycles for humans living at the equator is not known - I would guess not if the changes are due to melatonin levels.