Shedding on finasteride, i'm freaking out!!


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Hello everybody, i am 3 years into minoxidil twice a day with good results (regrowth and maintenance), my hair was still improving until 7-8 months ago, but suddenly it started to decline at a very slow pace, so i decided to add finasteride to halt it and hopefully boost my already good results. I am 4 months in minoxidil twice a day and finasteride 0.33mg ED. The last month i experience a pretty tough shed, i had many vellus and semi vellus hairs around my hairline that got shed and now i'm shedding thicker hairs. I still have more hair than 3 years ago but i'm freaking out that these shed hairs might not regrow.

My thinning area is the first 3 cms of the hairline. Are there any guys here that their hair turned much worse before getting better on finasteride? When does a finasteride shed normally occurs and how much do these follicles stay dormant before starting to grow again? I'm starting to worry that finasteride is not good for me because it gave me sides on the normal dose, and now this devastating shed.

Please i would like your comments guys, i really don't know what to do...


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I had a bad shed at months 3 and 4. My hair was a complete wreck. I am at month 6 +2 weeks and things have come back pretty well(knock on wood) for the past month or so. No shedding and hairloss trastically halted. Ive read a lot that people experience bad sheds around month 4 or 5. So my best advice stick in there obviously for one year. Your results on rogaine are good, but you weren't doing anything to block dht to prevent further hairloss, you were just regrowing hair that just kept falling out. If you're body can respond well to finasteride, you'll be in good shape. But don't fret, it takes the body awhile to adjust to finasteride, at least in my opinion. You do not believe you can handle at least .5mg of finasteride? Im not saying it is all in your head, but I know I freaked out a bit the first couple months i took finasteride, now thankfully and knock on wood again I take 1.25 with no sides. Anyways man, best of luck, definitely hang on till the very least 6 months, if not a year. It takes time to see results on sucks i know. But you will be thrilled when you do...and I think you got a good chance if you stay positive and of course on the drug


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Hey peter, thanks for your reply, i used 1mg ED for 3 months about a year and a half ago, but it gave me sexual sides and breast soreness/itchy nipples. I know that 0.33mg is not the optimum but i think i should stick with this dose for now and maybe i will raise it gradually with time.

Actually my worst fear is that the more testosterone from finasteride use might damage my hairline. The first 2 months on finasteride my hairloss was lowered significantly but since i hit the 4th i can tell that my hair now is worse even than it was 20 days ago when i got my last haircut. I hope it will get better.

I know that i'm not the only person that experiences shedding on finasteride in the forum, but i would like to read more replies and positive stories. :)


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Same situation here guys..
Heard of a lot of ppl's advice to just ride out the infamous shed...