SHedding OR Hairloss


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I am starting to loss faith in finasteride

I keep losing hair while on finasteride and i dont even know if that's what it's callled shedding ?

I lose hair from all sides of my head, especially the frontal area, i have started finasteride for almost a month and throughout the month i can tell that my hairline has definitely gone up and i am losing hair all over my head.

Can someone tell me when will shedding stop and in average how long does it last.

Other than that, if i stop the treatment now , will the hair i lost during the treatment be gone forever?
Please reply asap >>.


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You are going through a shedding phase ,you wont see results until 6-12 months. I'm on actually my 4th month and going through a crazy shed ,my hairline seems like worst. I'm not sure why your shedding in the sides though ,never really heard about that before. Just give it at least 6 months, trust me i know how you feel somedays i feel like giving up finasteride but just trying to stay positive .Hey nicholaslim are you from houston?


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No , thx for the replies , i have read from other forum that finasteride can cause cancer? and has a lot of side effects and
they seems to have convincing proof !!


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Cancer ? I don't know about that never really heard about the fact before. If you think about it nowadays with different research and studies everything causes cancer. LOL. You seem to have a lot of doubts about finasteride ,then you should trust your instinct and stop taking finasteride. Try rogaine?


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I have been experiencing the exact same symptoms as NicholasLim.

I started thinning in 2001, but the process was very slow. I could barely see any difference in my hair loss from one year to the next. However this year, the cumulative effects over the last 6 years finally started becoming really noticeable and so I decided to try Finasteride.

I've been using Fincar for about 5 weeks, but during that time my hairloss has rapidly accelerated to the point where I can actually see things getting worse on an almost daily basis. My hairline has receded about 1cm in 5 weeks. Also I have general hair loss from the whole of the top of my head (I can just run my fingers through it and clumps of hair will fall out from the root). This does not happen at the sides or the back of my head.

I wasn't sure whether my medication was fake (and my hairloss was moving into a more rapid phase) or whether this was 'shedding' that is a normal part of the process.

I would like to give Fincar more time to be sure, but I'm worried that if I carry on for 6 months (and it turns out that my current medication is ineffective), that I will have lost way more hair than I needed to in the interim period.

I'm thinking of changing to Proscar, but even that might be fake (seeing as I have to buy online).


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i was in finasteride for 6 months and continued to lose hair, now on dutasteride for 4 months and continue to lose hair even faster...diff now on dutasteride is no sides and hair is losing all over head but mainly the front where it had been going..texture of hair seems to have changed too..limp and fine. So if its can go on for many months ( sorry those here having problems at only 1-2 months but you need more patience). You have to decide to plough on or give up..once you started though its not good to give up unless its an alergic reaction forcing hairloss


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NIck441 , you mentioned that once started ,it's better not to give up ?

Does that mean those who quit propecia will be hit by even more aggressive hair loss prior to treatment?


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need to give meds time to work and if you make the big decision to start then you should give it at least 6 months or you are not giving it enough change taking hair cycle times into account. If treatments work for you then giving them up can take you back much further then baseline.

personally I would love to see baseline or anything approching baseline considering at a year on meds now I am still half of baseline.