Shedding Paradox


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Hy y'all,

because i noticed a small loss of hair at the top of my head this summer, i have been taking propecia since the 19th of july. Unfortunately i'm not seeing any results yet, in fact i am in a disastrous shedding right now. I know that this is a sign that the treatment is working, but something in it is really bothering me.
Research has shown that propecia is mostly working for the top of your head. Therefore i expected a temporary worsening there. However, the shedding is at its worst at the front of my head. I didn't have any problems there before i started using propecia. Now you can clearly see my skin there.
Why does my shedding take place at the front of my head? These hairs seem to respond to the treatment, but they shouldn't!!
Can i expect them back anytime soon?! I'm really desperate! This shedding is far more worse then my initial problems were at first!


I have just come through a frontal shed. My hairline was kind of OK but now it's worse than before. I think it's starting to pick up again now so I'll just wait and see.

But to your question regarding finasteride and just saving the top of the head. They did not research the effects of finasteride on the hairline. If like rogaine then it should work for all parts of the head. But you have to bear in mind that for it to work you need quite a bit of hair in the first place. If you have already lost your hairline and then start finasteride then you won't see anything at all on the areas that have no hair. It can only work on hair that is still there or that is being affected by DHT


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My hairline was allright as well but it's a disaster at the moment. At the moment i'm not even hoping that the treatment works, i'm just hoping that the treatment isn't making things worse!

That's what concerns me, am i really going to get the lost "shedding-hairs" back?! I know i must be patient with this, and i am, but this paradox bothers me. Propecia should be especially working on the top of your head, and could not really help out for the front. Then why are my frontal hairs overreacting at the treatment, compared to the ones on the top of my head?! They shouldn't react at all! I really can't find an explanation, and that scares the sh*t out of me!!!


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I don't think that finasteride will affect differen't areas of our heads in a manor where you'll lose hair in one place because of it and grow hair in another. Why it works better on the vertex and not generally well over all is beyond what anyone here can explain. If your front follicles were already being damaged slightly, without showing you any signs of frontal hair loss then the finasteride could just be doing its job and your frontal follicles are just reacting to drug like any follicle will do and thats - shed.. then regrow.

Stick with it for at least a year - if your hair is being lost to finasteride (shedding effect), than without finasteride, you'd probably lose that hair down the road anyway. But with finasteride, at least you'll have a chance of regrowth.



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Thanks for your reaction. I know I have to just be patient to see what propecia will eventually do for me. I just hoped there would be someone that could explain what's happening to my head right now, the paradox i've mentioned. Apparently there is no explanation. I hope this means i will definitely get all the frontal hairs back i lost since starting with propecia. Cause, man, i sure miss them!! Things have gone BAD!!


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hey there petro. Well i am going through the exact same thing as you. i have been on finasteride for five months as of today, and over the last month i have shed soo much hair. And like you, i was onl a little thin in the crown area, but since starting finasteride, i have become quite ting all over. i dont know if its shedding, or the whole process or further hair loss. i agree with you; this air of uncertainty is f*****g scary. i know some time i wish i had jus never gone oin the treatment and let things be. but like everyone says, still early days and there is no research to say that finasteride increases hair loss.

I know personall i have booked in an apointment with my dermatologist just last week to discuss this shedding etc cause they are the ones who REALLY know what they are talking about. I reckon if you are really concerned bout your shedding, you should do the same. Best of luck, and ill keep you posted on any on m changes!

