Shedding question

OMG my hair!

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For the past 6 months I have noticed much more shedding then I ever have before in my life, within this past month it seems to have got out of control, anytime i towel dry my hair, use gel, shampoo, anything I get a ton of hair left over in my hands. Im 23, not on anything to stop this, just wondering what works best, and why this is happening? I've read the article about shedding, if I read it right shedding doesn't mean your balding, well I have notice thinning hair along with more scalp able to see, especially on the top back sides of the head. Time to take action!

Here is what I have picked up already:


What else will help stop the shedding?

Thanks! :lol:

George Costanza

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Folligen may help stop the shedding. If not, it's still good sh*t anyway.


is follgin a life long commitment as well ok can you stop using it with out problems


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WAIT!! omg, you should hold off on the rogaine until youve answered this question - are you happy keeping how much hair you have right now, with a little thickening? or do you need to regrow hair?

rogaine is for regrowth. if you use rogaine, its a lifelong treatment. youll have to apply this topical to your head 2x a day as long as you want to keep your hair. it doesnt combat the cause of balding (dht), but provides an extra offset of hair growth.

if you want to maintain what you have now, with a bit of possible thickening, get on propecia (finasteride). this works in 83% of men according to clinical data. its a pill you take once a day, so minimum hassle, and its a long term treatment.

dont go on rogaine if you dont need it, because (1) if your main priority isnt regrowth, you dont need it and will be stuck with a 2x per day application for the rest of your life (also extra expense), and (2) you may wish to keep it for back up in case some years down the line balding catches up with the positive effects of finasteride.

OMG my hair!

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youngguy_uk said:
WAIT!! omg, you should hold off on the rogaine until youve answered this question - are you happy keeping how much hair you have right now, with a little thickening? or do you need to regrow hair?

rogaine is for regrowth. if you use rogaine, its a lifelong treatment. youll have to apply this topical to your head 2x a day as long as you want to keep your hair. it doesnt combat the cause of balding (dht), but provides an extra offset of hair growth.

if you want to maintain what you have now, with a bit of possible thickening, get on propecia (finasteride). this works in 83% of men according to clinical data. its a pill you take once a day, so minimum hassle, and its a long term treatment.

dont go on rogaine if you dont need it, because (1) if your main priority isnt regrowth, you dont need it and will be stuck with a 2x per day application for the rest of your life (also extra expense), and (2) you may wish to keep it for back up in case some years down the line balding catches up with the positive effects of finasteride.

Hi, thanks I am happy with the amount of hair I have now, with some thickening id be back to normal. I have not started the rogaine so I won't now.

So maybe propecia daily along with shampoo's t/gel, nizoral every other day and Folligen?


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to be honest you should do just fine with propecia and nizoral 3x per week - thats what the people in the finasteride studies did and 83% kept all their hair or more. if you want to add folligen, and can afford it, thats up to you. as long as it doesnt irritate you. see how it goes.

dont add tonnes of things to your regimen if youre happy to maintain though, otherwise you wont know whats working and whats not. these are lifelong treatments remember (not folligen or nizoral). best start on finasteride and nizoral and add if necessary. give it time - at least 10 months to see if finasteride is working. itll take a few months to build up in your bloodstream, and a few months for new hairs to be seen above the scalp. sit tight, be prepared for sheds, and try not to assess yourself too much - it will be a bumpy ride. but after 2 years, theres an 83% chance your hair will be at the same level or better than when you started off.

good luck.


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uk's got your back. finasteride before Min. Lots of science behind the reasons why.

OMG my hair!

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I've been using T/gel and nizoral for shampoo. Still got a couple questions... Does this sound like (from my original post) im starting balding, or can it stop without me doing anything? I'd hate to take stuff everyday I don't need, especially with the side effects I keep hearing about. Oh and I see lots about what shampoo's to use, what about conditioners?


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If you think you're balding, you probably are. I used to think my hairloss would just stop, but I was totally in denial. I wish I had began treatment at 20.

I was just running my fingers through my crown, feeling the thin hairs there...not a good sensation. It's even less fun knowing that I could have kept what I had if I had began treatment earlier.

This sh*t gets me down sometimes, but the treatments work, I know firsthand.



to be honest you should do just fine with propecia and nizoral 3x per week - thats what the people in the finasteride studies did

the finasteride trials used T/Gel not Nizoral


OMG my hair!

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tynanW said:

to be honest you should do just fine with propecia and nizoral 3x per week - thats what the people in the finasteride studies did

the finasteride trials used T/Gel not Nizoral


I've got both anyway, not I guess I need to start finasteride. Too bad they dont have a combo deal on finasteride/v**** to fight the side effects! arhh this sucks, stupid hair loss.


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You're not even on finasteride and you're already complaining about side effects? I'm not experiencing any at all, just get on it and then take it from there.