shedding stop after 2 weeks of propecia


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I use to shed about 20-40 hairs before using propecia but I have been using finasteride for 2 weeks and the shedding has stop. I may shed 1 or 2 pieces of hair but not like before. Hopefully I won't go to shedding phase but it seems like propecia is working so far.


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yea i have the same worries as you do, but for me its dutasteride rather than finasteride. i have been taking for almost 1 freakin year and i feel like i am in the exact same sh1tty position regardless if i take any pills or not.

now at least i dont have that doubt in my mind since im taking the real propecia..


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Maybe your maintaining hair ,so you haven't experience any regrowth? As for me I will be be content if finasteride will maintain my hair and stop the hairloss. I will be adding minoxidil in a year if I don't see any regrowth.


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hmm, from my experience. 1st two weeks after starting propecia, i was able to see a decrease in the number of hairfall. but after 1 mth, i begin to see a shed of tiny and thinner hair...

i wonder whether this is normal?


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hey k3nn7i I spoke to soon I'm on my 3rd week and It seems like im shedding again . So hows your hair going?


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lol. well, i can definitely say that im currently shedding less. As i had mentioned earlier i have been shedding those tiny hairs, but within these few days i shed my normal-length ones. its jus a mixture of them. hopefully its the work of propecia. i will give it at least half year or probably a year decide whether propecia really works for me.

hw much hair you're sheddin? lesser or as per normal?


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I'm shedding out of the normal , this past weekend I probably shed about 60 hairs per day. I never used to shed in my pillows but everytime I wake up look at my pillows there are numerous amount of hair. I guess I'm starting on that shedding phase. I'm thinking about getting a number 2 buzz cut so I don't have to think about my hair shedding and counting how many hairs fall out everyday. I will probably wait about 12 months like you to see if it really works before I start another regimen, I know people do the big 3 but I don't want to do the combination because I want to see which one is working for me. Also If it doesn't work at least I can get my full refund from merck.


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happy for ya, muaythai187, you must be one of those 50% of lucky guys for whom finasteride really works. I'm past my first week on finasteride and hopefully it'll do the same, though i combine it with rogaine for better effect.


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Hey Pathfinder I really have high hopes on finasteride to work and I didn't take any negative feedbacks from all the consumers that were affected with the side effects. So hows is going with you? Are you still shedding or getting any sides?


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well, it will definately take more than two weeks to make sure, let's compare the results in four months. Just started the treatment this month. I have 68% telogen hair in the whole frontal area and i'm actually expecting some shedding soon caused by the treatment, but the old hair theoretically should be replaced by new. So it will takes some months to clear the picture. As for sides, my doctor told me it's 3 out of 100 who experience them with finasteride, so i decided i'd take chances :wink:


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hang on there buddy. give it sometime to see whthr it works for you...