Shedding stopped DRASTICALLY after I introduced minoxidil


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Hey everyone, before I just start assuming it was the minoxidil doing the job, let me give you a bit of a background.

I used in the past Propecia 1mg ED for 5+ months and those entire 5 months I just kept shedding and hair would fall off with the slightest touch, the shedding never stopped.
I then added Avodart to Propecia for another 3 months and I just kept shedding, watching my hair disappear. Before Propecia I could leave the house without a concealer and it wouldn't be that bad, I just look like I have few thinning spots. After Propecia + Avodart I would have to either have a buzzcut or use a lot of hair fibers otherwise there's just too much balding.

I then stopped EVERYTHING for 6 months, still shedding just as bad regardless.

*And now*
Started again Propecia 1mg ED about 2 months ago (after 6 months break) and once again lots of shedding. I would brush my hair over a table with the lamp light on and count 50 hairs in under a minute. Plug the sink and the let the water run over my head and see there around 50 hairs as well. I'm still on Propecia, hoping to see to stick with it for over 1 year now.

However about 2 ~ 2.5 weeks ago I started using kirkland liquid minoxidil 5%, about 2ml each application, twice a day, 4ml total and now when I brush my hair I see under 10 hairs.
This morning I put my head in the sink and let the water go and counted 11 hairs.
That's about it for now, will keep updating...


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lol... did you even read my post? How would current pictures be of any use?
Let me a do recap:

- Used propecia ED alone in the past for 5 months, only shed terribly
- Added dutasteride to propecia for another 3 months (total propecia 8 months, dutasteride 3 months) and continued to shed terribly
- *QUIT* everything for 6 months. Still loosing a lot of hairs everyday for these 6 months.
- Started propecia again 2 months ago, once again shedding terribly
- Started minoxidil 5% 2+ weeks again
- Shedding has all of the sudden decreased by a lot, hair doesn't fall off at the slightest touch like before

At the moment my hair looks at the worst it's ever been, since my shedding decreased I decided to take pictures a few days ago of my current hair so hopefully I will have something to show for in the future.
I will update with pics in a few months from now.


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I was on minoxidil first. Has a terrible initial shedding maybe 2 weeks on it and then the magic happened! Fantastic results,0 hair lost, hair became more thick and my temples, crown had a regrow! 2 months ago i started finasteride to get greater result and i screwed everything, shed after 4/5 days after started and still dont stop... Which other symptons you had while on finasteride?