Shedding this month?

Chemical J

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Hey guys, its me I know I haven't posted in awhile its because my hair loss has indefinitely stopped.

However, I shedded a lot this month [January] (It started like two weeks ago), more than any month before. I've been on Propecia for... 7 months.

Just wondering who else is shedding bad this month? I don't think the stress in school is really helping the shed out either.

Btw, I've been taking MSM and man it really does make your hair grow way fast.

Almost double growth in a month. In which I pretty much need a haircut every month hahaha.

Ill update my story soon guys when I have time from school etc.

I turn 19 February 20th! :mrgreen:


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In the past few days ive started to shed like crazy! But not in the regions im applying foam like the crown and the hairline. But hair is just pouring off the sides of my head and back of my head down the bottom....I just dont understand it! Hair here is ment to be safe right? ugh


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Chemical J,

I've been on propecia for 7 months as well and although it did initially stabilise my hair loss I noticed a big shed this month as well.

I use minoxidil 12.5% as well on my hairline and temples and maybe this has caused it. At the moment my hair line has completely disintegrated so I'm considering coming off the medication and trying something less aggressive like saw palmetto...


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Dude! Whatever you do, do not stop the meds! Shedding although hard to deal with at the time, is actually a good sign, your hair will bounce back, just give it some more time. Shedding means the meds are working.

Rogaine and Propecia cause increased shedding at certain times. Its a roller coaster. You will go through periods of great hair and periods of thinner looking hair where you can even look below baseline, but ultimately, I can tell you from experience, that your hair always bounces back on the meds, to look BETTER than ever! It will last 2-3 months, then you will shed again...Its just how it works. You have to take the good with the bad. But the good periods out weigh the bad by like a 1000-1.


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Dude! Whatever you do, do not stop the meds! Shedding although hard to deal with at the time, is actually a good sign, your hair will bounce back, just give it some more time. Shedding means the meds are working.

Rogaine and Propecia cause increased shedding at certain times. Its a roller coaster. You will go through periods of great hair and periods of thinner looking hair where you can even look below baseline, but ultimately, I can tell you from experience, that your hair always bounces back on the meds, to look BETTER than ever! It will last 2-3 months, then you will shed again...Its just how it works. You have to take the good with the bad. But the good periods out weigh the bad by like a 1000-1.


Thaks for the advice mate. I have been on the stuff 8 months but it just doesn't feel like its stopping hair loss. Even in periods when its not shedding it doesn't seem to get any thicker/denser. I'm really concerned because there doesn't seem to be any definition to my hairline.
I mean, is it normal to shed dramaicall behind the hairline? ..and how long should I wait/how much shedding occurs before it seems to grow back?

I'm on a 12.5% minoxidil but perhaps this is too potent?

Only reason I was looking to change is that as soon as I started the meds (I was using a laser as well) my hair did improve for a couple of months. Perhaps the laser was doing some good but the propecia/minoxidil it countering it...?

Sorry for all the questions but I really want to start seeing improvements before it gets 'too late'



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Seriously my advice is give it at least 12 months. You can view my post history around november, venting my disdain about Rogaine Foam, I was shedding like crazy and my hairline was so thin and had receeded, it was almost completely gone, this was exactly around the 8-9 month mark. But I kept going with treatments, because frankly I had nothing else to lose! It was the only hope for me (at least right now). But I was very ready to quit, because I just had no results. At that point, I decided to cut my hair down and be really specific about where i apply the foam by using two mirrors etc and I would make sure it was worked in well using my fingers. About 2-3 months after that (which is now) I can honestly say my hair has made a massive comeback! Its not amazing, but its the best ove seen it in a very long time. Rogaine is not an overnight miracle working drug. It takes 12-24 months before you start to see real cosmetic results. Just my opinion.

Good Luck with whatever you decide :)

Chemical J

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Still shedding and its more and more each day! :whistle:

This has been going on for almost a month now.

Think Im going to get another buzz cut tomorrow.


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Hang in there dude, I know its tough. Im going through a frustrating period myself, have been eately poorly and just in general leading a really poor lifestyle. Im shedding like crazy still. It just never seems to end. I think since ive let my lifestyle slip my shedding has increased. Now im gonna go back on my Low Gi health diet again and get back to more a healthy lifestyle.


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6 months without shedding and in these couple of weeks I've shedded 20 of those ~5cm finasteride/minoxidil-hairs which started to grow on last summer when I started taking treatments. Should I be worried? Normally it's 2-5 minoxidil/finasteride hairs per month.

But neither way, I'm having thoughts of quittin minoxidil and take a hair transplant. It's too bothersome for me to apply it twice a day because I'm very outgoing type of person. hair transplant costs 10-15yr minoxidil's, so after that, it's saving 50-70$ per 4month for me lol :)