Shedding very short hars (1/8th of inch). Miniaturization?


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Hi everyone. I started using Rogaine 5% once at night about 6 months ago. I am diffusing on top so I place the Rogaine everywhere on top of my head/crown.

Every once in a while, I will rub my head back to front just to see the status of my shedding. I never really have seen full length hairs shed. Instead, I saw a ton of tiny specs of hair come out. I do this over a white piece of paper.

At one point (I believe 2-3 months on rogaine), I would paint the paper black with hundreds of these tiny hairs. My hair length would be 3/4 of an inch long, but only super-tiny hairs around 1/16 to 1/8 of an inch would fall out.

I just tried the head rub over a white piece of paper today, and I still see a bunch of tiny hairs but not as much as 2-3 months in. Also a single hair of regular length hair fell out, which I presume to be normal.

I am really confused at this point what is going on. If anyone can shed any light (no pun intended) on my situation I would be very grateful.

Is the rogaine shedding my hairs that are in the telogen phase? Is this a good/bad thing that tiny hairs are coming out? Is this normal to still be happening 6 months in? Are the super tiny hairs "miniaturized" hairs?

I know my head is thinning but I didn't think the length of the thinning hair decreases...I thought it was the width.

Just to provide some background: I am 23, hair loss became noticable at 21. I have been on 1/4 proscar for 9 months, and 1 use 1% Nizoral once every 3 days and T-gel on the other 2 days.

Thank you for your time. This really stresses me out and I hope to just understand what is going on for closure.