Sheds but better hair?


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What up Fellas,

I have been shedding for a few months now, somedays worse then others. However, my hair seems to be getting better. I seriously lose a lot of hair, which by now would make me bald, but even when my hair is wet the top is thick. The only problem I have in on the hairline. Im thinking that the old hairs im lossing are growing back thicker or more pigmented. So although I am shedding, my hair are all being replaced in a cycle manner. Could this be possible? I defenitely think that Propecia is working well, keeping my fingers crossed. :)



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Hi dude i am feeling the same thing. Shedding a lot but my hair seems to be the same.


Established Member
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I am on the same boat. I have been shedding all the time on the treatment but the hair is getting better and better. The lost hair is darker thicker and longer :)


Senior Member
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I'm beginning to feel like I'm missing out on the most crucial part of treatment, the shedding... :? I'm hoping I'll get away without the shed, but see thickening of hair :)

The shedder

Established Member
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I've been shedding also for a while, there will be some days where I lose the same amount of hair as before treatment and other days I have been losing alot aka shedding. The weird thing is my temples have slowed alot and now my vertex is shedding. And my hair looks healthier, and the quality of hair lost ranges from thin wispy hair, to thick dark hair. I hope Propecia is doing its job and the hairloss slows.