Shock Loss, information needed. Pictures Provided


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I am seriously considering having a hair transplant but the one and only thing holding me back from having it done is the fear of Shock Loss. At the moment nobody knows I have a receeding hairline because the rest of my hair is very thick and I have a long fringe that covers it up very very well. I am scared that having the procedure will result in me no longer being able to conceal my widows peak.

Is there anyway to minimise the risk of Shock loss? I have been on Propecia for nearly two years and it has completely stopped my hair loss and most areas are thicker than they have ever been. Is using propecia for two years before the operation a good way of preventing shock loss? Also what would make someone a high risk case and what would make someone a low risk case. I have done a google search and so far everything I have read is pretty inconclusive. Here are some pics of my current hairline and picture of me with a fringe to give you an idea of the thickness of my hair.

If anyone has any questions to help me find out if I am more likely or less likely to experience shock loss I am more than happy to answer anything anyone wants to ask me whether it be health related, lifestyle, family history, surgeon related, type of procedure or anything else. By the way if I do have the procedure done I will go to Dr Feriduni and also I will be having the widows peak area filled in but wont be getting incissions inbetween the areas where there is existing hair.




My hair in a fringe concealing the receeding hairline.


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Thanks for the answer. He is on holiday until the 5th so I should know something after that date. I hope I dont have to wait too long for an appointment, I would like to get this done as soon as possible.


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Id rather not have to go twice, I live in London so going to Belgium is pretty inconvenient. Id like to get the consultation on the same day if possible. Im hoping it is quicker than a couple of months but ill have to wait and see, maybe phone up a few times and look for a possible cancelation.