Shock Loss To Previous Hair Transplant?


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Hello Everyone,

I'm new here and have a question...

Years ago, I had my 1st hair transplant(hair transplant) done on my hair line. I had a 2nd hair transplant done to my hair line a week ago. The hair line area was shaved down. Right now I notice only my newly transplanted hair in that area. It looks like my hair from my 1st hair transplant is not growing anymore??? The hair from my 1st hair transplant should have grown a little by now...

What is going on? Shock loss?


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Hello Everyone,

I'm new here and have a question...

Years ago, I had my 1st hair transplant(hair transplant) done on my hair line. I had a 2nd hair transplant done to my hair line a week ago. The hair line area was shaved down. Right now I notice only my newly transplanted hair in that area. It looks like my hair from my 1st hair transplant is not growing anymore??? The hair from my 1st hair transplant should have grown a little by now...

What is going on? Shock loss?

It is a possibility. If the new hairs transected previous hairs then it can happen. Mo one can gaurantee if it is temporary or permanent. Ive known folks where it was permanent. Only time can tell at this point. Give it about 8 months and monitor via pics/video. If you still see an issue by that time then it can be permanent loss. Shockloss should return by the 8 month mark from what ive seen in some cases posted through the web. Best of luck.